four - i have beans in my ear now

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Im paranoid.

A whole week has passed and Roman? Silent.

He hasn't bothered me or talked to me since the boxers incident.

And I know what your probably thinking, Liliana is dick riding all you do? Like why do you care.

Well first, I don't dick ride I am fucking traumatized from sex and second,

See the thing is I don't CARE
more like im SCARED.

By now I was expecting him to dye all my clothes blue or push me headfirst down some stairs.
But nothing.

I swear I almost swung at the doorman last night thinking it was Roman. Like babe this isn't a bomb shelter, come out of hiding.

Part of me hopes that he will hurry up and fuck me over already because this is killing me.

Your order is arriving in 10 minutes.

My phone buzzed, causing to pause my Taylor Swift jam session midway to lean over and read the message smiling now that my tacos were close.

Humming the bridge of daylight, the superior TS song, I headed downstairs. I swear I love that song so much if someone held a gun to my head and told me to sing it, tell Roman ill be back in 4:54 seconds to annoy his ass.


"Hi Sally my pally, have you seen my tacos?" I asked Sally the receptionist. She looked up mid writing and shook her head no. I shrugged and waved bye and head out of the building.

Realizing I left my phone upstairs, I decide to walk around waiting for my order to come and then attack the driver head on.

I walk down the sidewalk lost in my thought when I realize how far away I had wandered from my apartment and my tacos.

"Lily?" A voice behind me said startling me so bad that I turn around and throw my fist at the source.

Extreme pain broke out in my knuckles traveling up my arm.

"Fuck." Roman said holding his shoulder before recovering and grabbing my hand , "Is your hand okay?"

"Yes!" I said snatching my hand from him because it caused my hand to throb, for reasons that aren't associated with the pain I was feeling, I grumble, "Why the fuck would you sneak up on me like that?"

"I was like two fucking feet away when I said that." Roman said his hand running through his hair as I finally take him in and holy shit.

His hair was messy, his dark green eyes fixated on me in a way that made me blush. Light stubble covered his face like he had been busy working and didn't have enough time to shave making him honestly look better if possible.
He had clearly been running or working out because his shirt was off exposing some abs. Like fucking movie star abs, like this man has to live in the gym or some shit.

"You punch like a pussy."

Oh yes. All of that along with his just wonderful personality.

"You know, you could act like it hurt." I said pushing past him and heading back over to where my apartment was.

"Why lie." Roman said walking next to me and when I looked at him to roll my eyes, shoots me a quick wink.

"Its late. You shouldn't be out." He said after a moment as we walked together on the side of the road.

"Just cause I have daddy issues doesn't mean you need to act like my dad."  I muttered.

"Okay. Its not like I give a shit whether you and your pussy punch are safe."

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