ten - puke with caution

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I give Roman a confused look as he pulled into the Target parking lot.

"Since your not letting me give you money, this is what we are going to do." He said grumbling getting out of the car. I still continue my confused look all throughout the walk into Target.

Walking in I finally understand, "Im fine with money, I don't need you to buy me anything."

"How much money do you have Liliana?"

I considered lying but the first name drop kind of scared me, "Oh im stacked. Twenty three cents up in this bitch."

Roman sighed and grabbed a cart.

"Roman I swear I have a plan." I said walking beside him.

"What is it." He sighed knowing it was going to be stupid.

"I have some luscious feet."

"My god." Roman grumbled as he put in both strawberries and raspberries in the cart.

"You must be packing." I say look down in the cart.

"Lily what?"

"WAIT. I meant like packing in money because you got both," I laughed. "Sorry that came out so wrong."

"Do you grocery shop at Target?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "I only came here because I thought you looked like you shopped here."

"I come here to wander around."

A moment of silence passed as I look into the cart. "I don't want you doing stuff for me." I finally say.

He gave me a weird look, " Why not? "

"I just don't want to get myself in debt, I cant pay."

"You sound so stupid right now."

"Your mad at me."

Roman shook his head no, "Just let me do this one thing for you Liliana."

I groan getting annoyed, "Why are you even doing all this?" Marco's words got to me, I mean why was he talking to me and laughing with me?

Roman looked at me for a second then walked away.

I followed him , "Don't be ignoring me."

"I don't know why Lily so will you just let me?"

I scoop more of the cat food into the dish, then push it towards Marjorie but she denies it.

"Stop being a little cunt and eat." I strictly tell her. I should get pregnant, I would be such a good mother.

I remember that involves sex and I change my mind.

"Your a whore." I frown when Marjorie scurries the other way instead of eating her food. I went to the fridge and cut up some carrots. I offer them to her but she denies it again.

"Want to go for a walk?" I asked her as if she could respond. She doesn't obviously but I take it as a yes so I grab her leash.

Knowing it was dark, I quickly text Roman,

me :
im going for a walk around the block okay ill be back thirty mins max

Ive been traumatized by too many crime documentaries to leave without telling anyone. I mean people just get snatched off the streets, one of my biggest fears is getting stabbed. I mean imagine how much that hurts?
I waited patiently for him to respond but after he doesn't I impulsively text,

what position y'all in now ?


im at soccer
do you have to go for a walk rn

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