thirty - diesal gas is not gas

543 13 8

"How do people trust frozen fruit?" I ask Violet, my new smoothie shop work buddy who gives me a big smile, per usual "I don't know, but I like people who have faith in stuff like that."

"You talk more than you work." Ashley comes from behind me, slightly moving me aside as she reaches far for the wheatgrass powder. I give her a look as I move to the side, away from my rather more unpleasant coworker.

"Why are you even working here?" Ashley follows up with and I roll my eyes again.

"I have hopes and dreams you know? I'm not just some lazy washed up teenager." I shot back, because my recent ideas of opening up a business that was mine flood my mind. I always valued fashion, and the ideas swarm my head but .. I sigh cut off by Ashley's disinterest.

I get the hint, and move towards the many blenders needing to be washed, "Violet if you could fuck any fruit which one would you go for?"

She hummed from across the store, "Kiwi, you?"


"Oh! I didn't think of that, that's smart. Maybe banan..." Violet trails off as the door chimes and she gets distracted.

I glance over and immediately frown at the certain people I told not to come early, as I glance down at my phone, "I still have like two hours, I told you guys to come pick me up at six."

Asher ignores my comment as he reads the labels that Violet was stocking, her flushed face not noticed by him as he mumbled, "Vegan, dairy-free, gluten free ... no GMO? Liliana are you selling drugs?"

"Asher hundred bucks, what does GMO stand for?" Marco gives him a lazy smile as he frowned obviously unaware of one of life's greatest mysteries.

"Genetically modified organisms." Roman grumbled as his lips lift slightly as he sees me.

"Asher knows all about genetically modified orgasms." Marco gave him a sharp nudge that he jerked away from and I roll my eyes as I scrub the tube, "Roman means organism not orgasm you idiot."

"He's been hanging around Alina too much, the kids judgement's clouded." Asher picks up a cookie from the aisle and hands it to Roman, "Buy me this."

"I pay your fucking salary, you can afford it believe me." Roman gives him a distasteful look.

"Please dad." Asher grins and Marco smacks the back of his head, "Stop doing that shit, its really fucking weird."

"Chance of this being an edible?" Roman smirks rolling his tongue in the side of his cheek and I half giggle at the cookie he was holding up, "Sixty five percent."

"I'll take the risk love." Roman smiles gently and I feel heat rush into my cheeks.

"This isn't a meetup place for your friends so they can chat with you, tell them to buy something or leave." Ashley sighs from the corner and four pairs of eyes, including mine dart over to her.

"Don't get your ass all up in your hole, we are buying stuff." Asher grumbled as he bounded up to the counter with the rest of them and stared at the menu. "Illlllllll take aaaaa hmmmm."

"These names are hard to say, I want that one?" Asher said pointing at the board consisting of all the smoothies.

"Don't tell me, I'm busy." I wave them off because I had absolutely no idea how to work the screen up front. I tried that earlier and some guy almost walked home with 187 green juices.

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