thirty five - asher's name origin

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My eyes blink open, and my body feels like

like I just drowned but understandable.

I shift and attempt to sit up, the light blinding me as I take in the beeps of the monitor. Hospital, oh I must be in the hospital.

Well not shit Liliana, you just drowned dumbass.

My eyes adjust to the light, and I attempt to wiggle my feet but realize I can't move them.


Because Roman is freaking asleep on top of them. Sprawled over them, head hidden in his crossed arms. His breathing and the heart monitor the only noises in the room.

Then it hits me, obviously Roman was the one to drag me out of the pool. Probably the only one aware of the fact that I can't swim.

The tears hit me as well, the fact that he literally just saved my life after i'd been hating on him for his every action.

The way I felt while I was drowning.

The regret I felt.

The love I also felt.

I move to tap him when a lady enters the room with a small laugh, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, that's the first time he's slept in 36 hours."

"Is that how long i've been sleeping?" I ask her, my voice foreign. Raspy. Probably due to the water I inhaled, I cough slightly trying not to stir Roman.

She lets out a breath, shaking her name tag reading dr. pepi "Yes, but glad to see your vitals are going well. Assume you'll recover in no time."

"Hope so, I have bridesmaid duties to attend too." I yawn, stretching my arms and Dr. pepi laughs, "You'll be fine, luckily you were pulled out in time. You're clear of any longterm damage."

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"Thank your boyfriend." She titled her head to Roman, and I let out a sigh. But don't correct her.

After she leaves I lay there for a minute watching Roman sleep, finally I get bored of the silence.

"Wake up." I smack his head, then feel bad so I run my hands through his hair.

"Hm." Roman makes a sleepy noise, rubbing his eyes before focusing on mine, "Liliana?"

"I have unfortunately survived this attempt on my life." I giggle and he doesn't reciprocate.

Roman just scoots closer and lays his head on my chest this time, sighing, "You scared the fuck out of me. The way I felt, I don't want to ever feel it again."

"Im sorry." I instinctively put my hand on his cheek, because he just looked so sad.

"Im going to teach you how to swim." Roman's sitting back up, arms crossed looking scary. His period of emotion over, and I find it in this moment kind of cute, "You just probably want to see me in a bathing suit."

Roman smirks, "That's a plus." I whack him, "Creep."

I stretch my arms, "Now where the fuck is that bitch Brooke because holy shit she is going to get it. She's lucky I didn't press charges."

"You should." Romans green eyes look deep in mine, studying my face as if I was about to disappear.

"No." I laugh, "I did sorta instigate it. And she didn't know I didn't know how to swim, besides if someone called me a "two toned bitch" I would go feral as well."

"You called her a two toned bitch?"

"Yes, because her spray tan is so awful like dont even have one at this ... you don't know what i'm talking about do you?"

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