thirty eight - thirty million dollors

546 16 0

I wake up on the kitchen floor with a big wad of paper tangled up in my knotted hair.

I shift, my headache pounding yet again. Rehearsal dinner might of gotten the best of me.

I tug the blanket up over my legs, and shift the pillow under my head. Two things I truly doubt were with me when I passed out drunk.

"Go around." I mumble to some random person who loonily hopped over me, my hangover was getting the best of me and sleeping it off before the wedding tomorrow would be a necessity.

Unable to fall back asleep, I scrabble up finally taking the piece of paper out of my hair.

Staring at my list Alina gave me of tasks to do, I furrow my brows. The two things I had been saving for today; Dealing with the teens and traveling to Camela; Were crossed off.

I hadn't done them, oh my god.

Did I do them drunk??????

"Shit." I say to myself as I lean against the cabinet and called Lucia as fast as I could, when she picks up, "Im begging you to tell me I didn't come there last night."

"You did." She barely croaked out, before what I assumed was a pause to puke in the toilet. "With tequila."

I gather the situation easily, "I am so so sorry. So sorry. Ill be there in twenty."

Grabbing stuff out of the fridge, I throw them in some random beach bag I found. I sprint up the stairs, brush my teeth, change and run my hands through my hair.

While darting through the side door, I run into Roman who's arms come out to stabilize me, he gave me a warm smile, "Glad you're alive Lil. I had to check your pulse three times last night."

I welcome his embrace as I give him a half hug, "Are you the one who put the blanket and pillow on me last night?"

"I would of taken you upstairs to sleep in our bed but you fucking punched me. Hurt like shit too."

"Here." Roman handed me something and I smiled at my coffee order, "Thanks."

I give him a guilty of smile, "Sorry about that." I pull away, "I accidentally did a bunch of shit drunk, so want to come with me as I do damage control?"

Roman shrugs, his way of saying obviously i want to hang out with you. you amazing incredible human being that so super hot.

Sorry. Not the time for jokes.

As we head to his car, I take a sip, "I recommend sleeping on the kitchen floor by the way, my back has surprisingly never felt better."

"I slept next to you dumbass, as if I would leave your passed out ass alone." Roman turns the key in the engine, "Where?"

"Lucia and Lina's. I believe I have accidentally gotten them drunk, and they need toast. And I also need to convince them to be flower girls."

"Although." I backtrack, "Im not sure if I already have. My timelines a little messed up."

Twenty minutes later, I find them both sweating, crying and draped over the downstairs toilet. Lina groans, "Does this happen EVERY TIME we drink?"

"Yes." Roman says and I roll my eyes at him.

"I don't think i'm going to ever feel better again." Lucia wipes her tears and I hand her some juice and a slice of bread.

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