nine - capitalism at its finest

666 21 7

I stared at the doorknob, knowing what I was about to do would cause me to cringe years later. Taking a deep breath I crouch down and start unscrewing the doorknob of some random persons apartment.

I needed a doorknob, im like deathly afraid of getting kidnapped. So when I found out doorknobs are like forty bucks I had to resort to other measures. Times are hard.

I replayed the one part of the video over again because my man was unscrewing too fast. After a couple moments their doorknob fell of and I grabbed it and ran as fast as I could in the other direction.

I walk down the hallway leading to my apartment and I pass by Romans door and almost call out to him before remembering he was at a warmup for his game.

Thinking of him I look down at the paper ring I was wearing and smile.

Grabbing my phone, I shoot him a quick text:

remember to run during warmup , i know you struggle with that

Roman :
i know your not giving me running advice

I grin.

I wonder how good he actually is.

I swipe out of messages into Safari and type in Romans name and soccer game. I don't have to scroll much to see that his game starts at seven thirty and it was currently five thirty.

He also had one of those things that like famous people have, I was sad to learn his middle name was Lucas. I wanted it to be like Bernard or something so I could make fun of him.

Typing in the address, I groan as I see that by foot it was about an hour away but decide to go anyway.

I quickly get ready, throwing on a small white ruffled tube top and some black cargo pants. I put on some hoops, straighten my hair and do my makeup. I brush through my eyebrows before I pause and look at myself in the mirror and realize how incredibly down bad I am. Never in a million years would I ever walk three miles for anything let alone a boy.

With my 23 cents in the bank not allowing me to drive I set out on my journey. Halfway through I was all like this man ain't shit just turn around Lily but an hour thirty minutes later, I arrive to the big stadium field thing.

I hear people cheering, I don't know why though maybe someone kicked the ball into the net. I then get confused because I had no absolute idea on how to get inside the stadium.

I text Roman "call me." but he doesn't because he's a stupid fuck or maybe he was busy playing soccer.

Nope, hes definitely a stupid fuck.

I look around and spot a girl my age standing with her friend wearing a jersey. I skip over to them and wait for her to notice me,

"Hi? Do you know how I get in?" I finally say.

She looks at me and thankfully she smiles, "Yeah! Just go up to the girls in the booth over there."

"Thank you."

"What team are you rooting for?" She asked me before I left.

"Oh I don't know, im just here for Roman."

Then she laughed and I gave her a weird look because whats so funny.

"Aren't we all." Her friend says and I frown.

Leaving them behind I head over to the both and approach the very scary teenage girls sitting inside.

"Hi! I want to go inside." I smile at them trying to fight my deepening fear of being bullied.

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