twenty seven - happy lily day

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"How much?" Alina asked me hovering the alcohol bottle above the punch bowl.

I look down, and shrug "All of it?"

"Liliana's tolerance is going to kill us." Asher grins at his joke coming round the corner of the kitchen, and gave me a sharp playful jap in my hip. "Side effects of being an alcoholic."

If I think Roman is annoying, then his best friend doesn't even compare.

I swat him out of the kitchen, back to his post for setting up for Casey's New Year's eve party that was practically ours at this point. I tend back to the punch with Alina, "No seriously put all of it, I want to start the new year severely hungover."

"Goals." She smiled as Roman comes down the stairs and I glance up with a smile. Lizzy dropped Nya off at the house while she went and did some paperwork, and Roman surprisingly told me he would take care of her so I could do other stuff.

I see why clearly, as she sprinted out of his arms with a squeal towards the living room. My lips curl back up as Roman lets out a slight laugh and chases her slowly.

"Roman!" Nya giggled as he swoops her back into his arms, and he bopped her on the nose playfully, "Stop running away."

"There's my pretty girlfriend." Roman tells her as he bounds into the kitchen tickling the squealing child.

I look up and slightly chuckle when I see Nya point to Alina, and Roman shake his head very quickly, "Definitely not her. Shes a bitch."

I look up from cutting oranges for the punch, "Roman no cursing around the kid." But it was too late because Nya already caught onto the word, giving Alina a strong point repeating, "Bitch! Bitch!"

"Fuck no, stop saying that." Roman eyes slightly widen as he shakes his finger no at her, an extremely cute sight.

Nya dosen't catch on and instead repeats, "Fuck! Bitch! Roman."

Roman quickly hands the child to Alina, who finally smiled before coming near me, "Not my fault I swear."

"Im sorry! Excuse me sorry." I rush past multiple people all positioned in every single cubic meter of this large ass house.

"Hey Liliana wh-" I hear Marco say as I practically sprint downstairs to the basement, "I have no idea what you said but as usual I am probably no help." I yell in return to him already halfway down the steps.

I see Alina chatting enthusiastically with a blonde and practically jump on top of her, "Alina you need to hide me, I smacked Romans ass really hard and now he's chasing me."

I see a familiar brush of brown hair coming down the stairs and squeal, attracting the attention of literally everyone as I bolt away, "NO NO."

I get stuck behind a pool table with Roman on the other side, "Roman please oh my god it was an accident."

"Come on Lily, one time." Roman says a lazy smile on his face, and I shake my head no, "My ass slaps are like so light, yours are like a fucking two ton brick just smacked it."

"You slapped mine first." Roman's dimples appear and I take the opportunity to launch myself over the pool table and sprint back upstairs with Roman tagging behind.

"You think with all that soccer you play Gambino you could catch me." I playfully yell over the music as I weave from the living room to dining.

"Please darling we both know i'm not trying." He says coming into the living room and I run into the kitchen, where his hands find my waist and harshly press me against the wooden cabinets, ushering bystanders away.

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