thirteen - how do u get fired in an hour?

659 16 5

$700 dollars.

Thats how much Eliza gave me last night and - amount that sits currently in my hand.

All in twenties, and as far as I can tell, real.

But in all honesty I would've taken then if they were fake haha, money is money.

I hadn't had this large amount of money, in well forever.

I know your probably like Liliana I though yo momma was rich and im like yeah but she didn't like me very much.

But lets not go down that route yet.

I put $200 into my emergency funds so I never had to end up in jail again, I then put $400 aside for food for the next few months.

Which left me a hundred bucks for whatever I wanted, see I have this problem. When I dont have money I see everything I want, but the second I have money I cant find anything.

But after a moment of wandering the New York streets, I found a flower boutique.

"For me?" Roman said shuffling a soccer ball, as I approached him in the backyard of our apartments holding out flowers.

"Yup, their lily's."

"You know for me, because I am Lily." I said after he stared at them a second too long.

"I just thought oh you call me Lily and Lily is also a flower and you do so much for me so thank you flowers. Yay!"

"But like flowers are stupid? I mean who even likes them anyway so im actually gonna go." I ramble on before he finally takes them.

"I really want to kiss you right now."

And right then and there I died.

Rest in peace me.

Peace is top three on Folklore.

But yes, rest in peace me.


It was a mediocre life please play evermore at my funeral.

"Er- Um okay." I finally said, the world slightly spinning as he then proceeded to act like nothing happened.

"I don't think their stupid." Roman said.

"Well good golly for that because they were a lot for a couple of, you know some measly flowers." I wanted to smack myself for saying that.

"Okay! Welp gotta go do stuff."I added turning around.

" Wanna play soccer? " Roman said kicking the ball near me and I try not to freaking collapse.

"Um, I have an appointment so I cant?" I question him for some reason? Why cant I think straight? Why am I questioning? Question?

"For what." He shrugged as if he didn't just tell me he wanted to kiss me and altered my whole world.

"The apple store." I lied quickly.

"Aren't you banned from there?" Roman asked me and he picked up the ball and pretended to throw it at me. "Stop." I flinched before saying, "Yes, its to discuss my ban."

"Okay." He shrugged again and I quickly walked away until,

I freaking fell.

I tripped on the stairs going back up to the backdoor of our apartments and tumbled back down.

"You good?" Roman said slightly laughing, coming over and I wanted to die because of course this happens and of course Roman is coming over right now and of course he is now touching my leg.

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