eighteen - we are trying to play a game here

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I woke up with a pounding headache in Romans bed, so I guess you win some you lose some.

I flicker my eyes open and attempt to roll over which I cant do because Roman is sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around me clutching me to his chest.

I look down to see myself in my bra, without Romans shirt I remember wearing yesterday, I proceeded to turn ever so slightly and see that Roman was shirtless.

I brace myself and pull up the covers and sigh in relief when I have my shorts on and then I peek at Roman who had pajama pants on unfortunately.

Still not convinced I turn to Roman and since we were pressed together he opens up a single eye, before I tap him, "Did we sleep together last night?"

"No." Roman shifts and pulls me closer so his face was buried in my neck. I sigh in relief, "Thank goodness," Before adding, "No offense its not personal."

Roman softly smiles in a knowing way even though I didn't know what he knew, "I know."

I smell myself, and cringe, "I smell like vodka, fuck im sorry."

Roman shrugs, still with his eyes closed, "I don't  mind."

"Can I use your shower?" I ask him and he nods.

I finally get a breath of fresh air before adjusting my shorts which had ridden up my ass. I turn to Roman and frown at his suddenly awake eyes.

"Pervert." I grumble to myself.

"Use whatever you want." Roman said sleepily turning around.

I shower quickly so I could smell bearable, before wrapping myself up in a towel I found underneath the cabinets. I brush my teeth and scan my eyes over my body and frown because I really needed to start working out.

I threw my bra back on and my shorts and then looked in the mirror and cringed. I attempt to get rid of my raccoon eyes but just smear them more and I sigh as I see how bad I look in the mirror.

Whatever if Romans the one he wont care, I suppose. I open the door and frown when I see Roman still fast asleep as his phone was ringing.

I didnt know what to do so I walked over and poked him, " Roman your phones ringing."

He just grumbled and covered his face with the blanket so I sighed and picked up the call from Asher, going back into the bathroom so I wouldn't disturb him.

"You're late as fuck." Ashers voice rung out through the phone and I hesitantly say, "Romans sleeping its Lily."

"Wh-Oh hi Liliana." Asher paused and he said the next words with a smile, "Wheres Roman?"

"He's sleeping."

"Put him to sleep?" Asher laughs on the other end and I smile, "No gross."

"We had a FRIENDLY sleepover as FRIENDS." I pronounce some words extra and Asher chuckles.

"Alright, well go tell loverboy that our game starts in an hour."

I keep him on the line when I go back into Romans room and jump on the bed, "Roman you have to play soccer in an hour."

Roman didn't budge and I sigh, "Roman."

I dig my finger into his neck and he jerks away, "Tell them to wait." He grumbles and then pulls me back next to him. I smile before putting the phone closer to Roman.

"Roman you have to get up like now, the game starts in an hour." Asher said sternly to Roman who groaned loudly.

"Shut up."

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