twenty six - bad influence

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"Lily!" Roman threw his head back laughing as I squirmed away from him, kicking up sand that flew into our faces.

"No way." I attempt to get up and run but I slip and tumble down which earns me another classic laugh from my boyfriend. I clutch the tiny box I was holding close to my chest as I curl into a ball.

"I refuse to show you after all of this." I motion around in reference to the fact that I was definitely not giving him the Christmas gift I had gotten for him after everything he had gotten for me.

We had run off after the initial gift exchange with everyone in the morning to the beach, where I was remotely humbled.

He has practically gotten me everything I had ever looked at, ranging from expensive shoes to TWO new phones just in case my "dumbass breaks one." I had mentioned the inflation of books multiple times, claiming in Target that I was too broke to buy more than two books at a time, so today on Christmas? I unwrapped like ten books. BOOKS ARE NOT CHEAP.

So how in the world was I supposed to give this man the Christmas gift I had shoplifted from Walmart?

"No absolute fucking way, you told me you didn't have." I make quotes with my fingers "That much for me."

"I didn't get that much."

"You practically got every single thing i've ever looked at!? This was not cheap. Those heels you got me were like seventeen hundred bucks." I snap back and grab the mounds of wrapping paper and ball them up before they can start flying around the beach.

"You dont like them?" Roman slightly frowns.

"No, I do!!! Roman, of course I like them, it's just ..." I search for the right words, "My gift is going to be super lame, I stole it when a Walmart employee was looking the other way."

"Why did you even get me shit?" Roman frowns again, "I told you don't get me anything."

"What?" I raise my eyebrows confused, "I told YOU not to get me anything."

"That's different, you deserve the world."

That breaks my hard exterior as I give in with a weak smile, "Before you judge me, just know I make an average monthly income of $56 stolen from tip jars so." I hesitantly hand out the box I had for him and he pulls me into his lap.

"More than me." Roman jokes/lies as he carefully rips the paper off and I cringe as he looks at the box inside, possessing one single thing.

I open one eye to see his face of disgust, but inside my heart flips as he makes the most adorable face ever imaginable at my necklace I got him. It was silver, to match the chains he usually wore, with a small little L charm dangling from it.

I pulled out my matching one out of my shirt, "You like it? Mine says R for your cute little name."

"I don't expect you to wear it like at all, I know it's sorta lame but -"

"It's fucking perfect," Roman gazed at it with a soft smile on his face, "Im never going to take it off."

"Great because I would totally whoop your ass."

Romans pelvis connected with mine, as he grinds over my shorts against me, kissing me harshly and my legs wrap around his torso with a loud moan. My tongue finds his as he pushes me against the mattress, "This okay?"

"Perfect." I smile quickly at him and he shoots me a heart stopping wink before locking lips again, his hand roaming underneath my shirt.

I take a slight breath before diving back into him and his hand leaves my boob and travels lower, along with his lips. Roman hovered near my neck, kissing and nipping it releasing loud moans that were eventually swallowed up by him.

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