thirty three - if this was a movie by taylor swift

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                                    𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘺'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷:

"You go first, you have enough karma the ghost can get your ass first." I say giving Roman a quick shove in direction of the basement stairs.

"Ill go first anyway, im not a pussy like you." Roman grumbled as he disappeared down the steps.

I waited for a scream, any sign of death but instead a "Liliana come on."

"Im coming just give me a second."


"Is there a bomb ticking down there or something?"


"Then stop fucking rushing me."

I take a deep breath, "Is there a light switch or something down there?"

Some rustling, "I can't really tell, do you have your phone flashlight?"

"Did you say that or a ghost?" I close my eyes in fear and Roman responds in an annoyed tone, "What?"

"Can you just use my name in your sentences so I know your saying them."

"There is no absolute fucking way you are scared of ghosts Liliana."

"Im not scared of ghosts."

"Then come down Lily."

"Turn on the light then." I cross my arms and squint to see him down there in the dark.

"Toss me your phone Lily, I can't see anything down here." Roman says and I throw my phone into the darkness.

I see the faint light of a screen, and a "Lily what's your password?"

Fuck. "4-17-01" I grumble.

I could practically hear the surprise in his voice, "My birthday?"

"Don't flatter yourself thats just how the number combination works, like just random numbers come together. Wow? It happens to be your birthday that is so crazy coincidental."

"Liliana your voice is my favorite sound in the world, but please shut up and come down here already." Roman sighs out, pointing my flashlight up.

"Im coming." I grip onto the side rail and slowly make my way down, but not before I trip on the last step and land in yours truly's arms.

"Ew get of me." I push him away even though I fell into his arms, Roman looks at me, "You ok?"

"Yes, now find the the light switch."

Roman finds it, turns it on and the room goes from 0 light to about 2.5, I snort, "Wow, that did so much."

I could barely see Roman smile in the darkness, so I stand there without moving, "Okay hold my hand."

I think for a minute, "Actually please don't."

"Only because you said please." I hear Roman reply somewhere to my left, so I move there.

I take step by step, and move to where I think he is at least. I know i've found him when I feel his hand literally touch my ass, "Stop."

"Stop what?"

"Touching my ass, you perv."

"I thought that was your back."


"Shut up"
"Shut up."

I giggle, as I could see more from this angle, "How does the box look?"

"Red, and says Alina's name."

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