seventeen - vodka is key

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"What do you think?"

Alexis eyes scan over the yellow dress and she shrugs before tipping the remainder of her white claw in her mouth, "Your so pretty you'll look good in anything, but I think we are going for hot not pretty."

I nod getting what she was saying as I unzipped it and pulled it over my head.

I try to find other dress in Alexis's mess of a closet, she had so many clothes. I pull out a white criss crossed crop top, "Oh I am totally stealing this." I tell her and she looks into the closet and shrugs, "Go for it."

I walk out of her closet and collapse on her bed, "I have no absolute idea what to wear to the gala and its in four days."

"Let me go look." Alexis said pushing herself off of her bed and scrambling to her closet.

Alexis comes back after a second holding the prettiest black floor length dress I had ever seen.
She widened her eyes suggestively and I squealed.

"Perfect." I grab it from her and smile, "Thank you."

My phone rings and Alexis cuddles up with me on the bed, I accept it with it on speaker for both of us to hear.

"What is up Ro - man." I slightly joke and I heard him chuckle before saying "Not much L-dog."

"I finished soccer, im coming home now."

"Im not home." I say following Alexis into her kitchen and she hands me a hard seltzer.

I set my phone down and crack it open as Roman asks, "Where are you then?"

"Im at Alexis's"


I look at Alexis who slightly laughed and roll my eyes, "My friend."

"Marcos girlfriend?"

"They only just went on a date."

"Okay well come home."

I make a weird face, "No."

"We were going to go grocery shopping and shit so ill be home late." I add.

"Whatever bye Lily."

I turn over my phone as Alexis and I exit her apartment, "Is it bad I cant tell if your boyfriend is the rudest person ever or nicest?" She asks me as she locks her door.

"Definitely the nicest." I smile before adding, "But he's not my boyfriend yet."

"At least you added a yet." Alexis said as she slung an arm over my shoulder and I grin before gasping, "Did I tell you what happened yesterday?"

We skip down the stairs to her car as I re account everything that happened yesterday while we went sightseeing together. "We hung out all day and we held hands too. Which is such a lame thing now that I say it out loud but I swear it was cute."

I am about to continue when someone behind me says, "Liliana?"

I turn and a frown immediately appears on my face as I see Jake coming down the steps behind us.

Alexis looks at my expression than at Jake.

"Oh um, hi Jake." I say quietly not making any attempt to make any welcoming gesture.

"Ive been calling you." Jake said coming forth anyway and I step down a step.

"Ive been busy."

"Yeah I figured, its been a while."

"We should catch up one of these days." Jake said after I didn't respond.

I took a breath in, "I have a boyfriend."

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