Chapter 25

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"So you're actually gonna go on a date with this Luke?" She asks as I lay on her bed watching her tear out her closet hanger after hanger.

As soon as she says Luke I remember I need to rearrange. "Oh shit, I need to tell him I'm busy tonight." I grab my phone from the side of me and click on our conversation.

I'm really sorry but I forgot I already have plans for tonight, I'm going to the outdoor movie with my friends. Can we rearrange?

My phone pings less than a minute later, jeez was he watching our conversation.

No worries. I was hoping to take you to the outdoor movie for our date but we can rearrange for another night. I guess I'll see you there:)

I breathe a sigh of relief that he didn't mind and I don't have to go on a date tonight.

"Does he mind?" Sarah turns to me holding a dress in front of her waiting for my opinion.

"Too fancy." I look down at the dress before she throws it to one side. "And no not at all, he said he'll see me there."

"He's going too? This movie is going to be so busy!" She grabs another dress from the wardrobe holding it in front of her.

"Love it!" I nod at the dress she is going to be wearing tonight. "It's just gonna be loads of teens drinking and instead of music they're playing a movie."

"Thank god we're going with Topper and Rafe so they can get us drinks." She begins shoving everything back into her wardrobe cramming it in and closing the doors

"I don't think my brother will be buying me alcohol."

"No but Rafe will." She winks teasingly knowing exactly how I feel about him. As soon as she mentions his name I can feel my cheeks turning a different shade of pink. "You so like him." Her teethy grin on show.

I look at her with a serious expression, shaking my head. "Sarah shutup."

"How do you know nothing will happen if you don't tell him?" Her grin disappears and she sits beside me on the bed.

"No, absolutely not! I've seen how that plays out with you and John B. When you get turned down it's embarrassing and soul destroying. Besides I just think he's hot, that's all. I don't like him." I shrug playing down my colossal crush on her brother.

"Fine let's agree to disagree. Let's go pick out your outfit." She grabs my hand and drags me out of the bedroom.


We walk onto the already crowded field where the community workers are setting up the movie screen.

"Kelce is over there, he's saved our seats." Topper points over at Kelce who's waving us over, he's sat with some of their friends. The four of us walk over to them.

"Yo I didn't know you was joining us V!" Kelce pulls me into a hug. I smile and hug him back before taking a seat.

"Bro, you didn't tell us your hot sister was coming I would've dressed up!" I hear one of Topper's friends whisper shout behind us. We hear a thud. "Ow Rafe what was that for?" The same guy whines.

"Shut the fuck up." He growls and the guy falls silent.

"We're gonna go and get drinks. Kelce, beer. Sarah, cider and V, a coke." Topper goes over our orders making it obvious he's not buying me alcohol. I roll my eyes at him before he walks away laughing at himself.

My eyes fall on my friends. Kie is no where in sight, it's just John B, JJ and Pope. "Hey Sarah, I'm just gonna go see my friends, won't be a second." She nods understandingly before turning to talk to Kelce.

As I walk over to them I glance around for Kie but can't see her. "Hey ladies."

"V!" JJ exclaims excitedly grabbing the attention of the others to turn around and see me. They all look happy to see me as they pull me into a group hug.

"Where's kie?" I ask pulling away from the hug.

They all glance around looking for her. "She said she was going to get us all drinks." John B says causing us all to look at each drinks stall queue.

"There she is!" Pope points over to the furthest drink stall, we all look to where he's pointing. "She's in the queue, talking to..."

"Rafe?" John B finishes what pope was going to say.

"What?" I focus my eyes on the queue when I see her stood talking to Rafe. His face is expressionless but she has her back to us. "She dared have a go at me." I scoff with anger.

"Not cool." JJ swings his arm around my shoulders.

"I wonder what they're talking about?" John B squints his eyes trying to see better.

"Oh she's walking away." Pope notices.

"She's coming back." John B looks over at me wondering if I want to be here when she gets back.

"I'll catch you guys later." I tell them stalking off passing Kie on the way. I feel her eyes burning into me but I don't even glance her way. I know where I'm heading, straight to Rafe.

"Rafe?" I say quietly joining him in the queue.

He turns to see me looking unimpressed. "What?"

I stand right beside him looking up to meet his eyes. "What did kie say?"

"She just asked if there was anything between us." He answers bluntly turning away from me to look at the front.

"She really can't take my word for it." I huff quietly to myself.

"What?" He asks obviously not hearing what I said.

"Nothing." I turn to walk away.

"Wait there." He demands and I stop turning back. "You can help me carry the drinks, Topper has disappeared."

The guy in front walks away with his drinks and now Rafe is up to order. He orders everyone's drinks but I don't hear him say my coke.

The guy pours our drinks putting them in front of Rafe. He grabs two ciders passing them to me and then grabs three beers and we walk away.

"Those are yours and Sarah's." He refers to the drinks in my hands.

"This doesn't look like coke." I lift one cup up inspecting it sarcastically.

"Do I look like your brother." He retorts sarcastically just as we reach everyone else. Topper is here talking to Kelce. I sit down beside Sarah passing her drink.

"That doesn't look like coke." She points to my cup grinning. "I told you Rafe would get you a drink." She winks.

"Shut up Sarah." I shake my head laughing.

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