Chapter 54

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I finally hear the water stop running. My knee can't stop shaking up and down as I chew down on the skin around my nail anxiously waiting for Rafe to appear. Thinking about what I'm supposed to say to him.

I keep peering down at the phone in my other hand, re-reading the text from Kie sent to Rafe's phone.

Hey. I miss you.

Why the hell is Kie messaging him. Better yet, why does she 'miss him'.

The door clicks open and my eyes land on Rafe. A towel wrapped around his waist, his torso speckled with water droplets. His wet hair hanging messy. His body almost enough to make me forget all about the text. I said 'almost'.

"Good morning gorgeous..." his perfect smile turns into a frown when his eyes land on me. "Why are you dressed?" Unsure why I'm sat on the edge of his bed I can see him scanning me for clues. His eyes drop to the phone, then back up to meet mine. "What's wrong?" His brows furrowed with confusion.

"Why the hell is Kie texting you saying she misses you." I bark out, the anger taking over me completely.

"What? What are you talking about?" He shakes his head trying to understand what I'm telling him.

"Why is Kie texting you." I can't help but chew down on the inside of my cheek. Hard. Praying to god this is all just a misunderstanding and me and Rafe can go back to the way things were.

He strides over and takes the phone from me reading the text for himself. Further confusion written across his face giving me a sliver of hope. "She's obviously text the wrong person." He shrugs throwing his phone on the bed. He turns away getting changed into some shorts and a T-shirt, thinking I'm just going to take his word for it.

But I'm not.

"So she just scrolled down on her contacts and accidentally clicked Rafe? Or she has another contact named Rafe. How many Rafe's do you know?" I raise my voice at him. Rafe sighs with irritation realising I'm not going to drop this.
"Are you dating Kie?" I find myself yelling at him now.

"What? No!" He pulls a face of disgust at my words.

Understanding I'm not getting anything out of him, let alone the truth, I get up. "Whatever Rafe." I huff walking around him, heading straight for the door. He grabs my arm, spinning me round to face him. "Don't touch me Rafe, I'm leaving!" I hiss, snatching my hand away like he has a disease.

"You're not leaving, Ness." His voice cracks defeatedly, he takes a step towards me but I take another back. He bounds on his heavy feet to me grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. "Rafe put me down!" He spins round and sits me back down on his bed, taking a seat beside me. I immediately stand up to go for the door but he grabs me pulling me to stand between his legs. His hands on the backs of my thighs, his ring sending a jolt of electric through my entire body almost fogging my mind. "Listen. I am not dating Kiara. We're nothing, trust me." He meets my gaze which was once fuelled by anger but now droops with sadness.

"That doesn't explain that message, Rafe." I choke out, not having the energy to shout anymore.

He grabs my hands in his. "That message means nothing to me. I want you and only you! Do you want me?" He plants a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

"Of course I do Rafe but I..."

"You have to trust me, Nessa." He pleads assertively.

I shake my head, pulling away my hand before he can kiss it again. "I don't think I can. Why did she text you that Rafe?" Praying he'll just come out with the truth if he really wants me like he says he does, I give him the chance to be honest.

"Like I said, she probably sent it to the wrong person."


I chew the inside of my cheek frustratedly. "You don't send an 'I miss you' text to the wrong person Rafe, you're so full of shit. Never fucking speak to me again." I hiss, my tone laced with venom as I push his shoulders back spinning on my heels and slamming his bedroom door.

I brush past Sarah in the hallway. "Hey!" She chirps happily, her good mood making me want to vomit. I blank her. "V, what's up!" She stops and watches me as I keep walking until I'm out of sight.

The front door feels so far away in the distance. I feel like I'm running but not getting any closer. The room is spiralling and I'm about to lose my footing when my hand reaches the doorknob. Flinging open the front door, the fresh air whipping me in the face is like a boulder to my dam. The floodgates shatter and the tears stream down my cheeks.

I run.

I run home and don't look back.

Slamming my front door closed, I don't even stop to look who's in the kitchen.

"Nessie?" I hear my mom call out to me as I pass through the kitchen. "Topper what's wrong with your sister? Why's she crying?" I hear her ask my older brother who I can imagine is suffering from the worlds worst hangover.

"Probably them pogues." He spits out with a groan. He has no clue how wrong he is. No knife has ever cut me this deep. My friends could never hurt me this bad. I'd given everything to Rafe and he just went and threw it back in my face. Made me look like the island idiot. I might aswell be dressed up as a clown.

I don't even have the energy to argue with my brother, instead I let him create his own assumptions. I can't stop sobbing. I run up the stairs, locking my bedroom door and face plant my face into my pillow, hoping I suffocate this way.

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