Chapter 7

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1 week later


"Uhnnnn Asad that's my spot don't stop!" I moaned out loud while he was hitting it from the back pulling my hair.  I felt my legs shaking I was about to cum for the second time. This nigga was an animal in bed.

"Damn this shit so wet. I'm finna nut." He picked up the pace making me moan louder.

"Uhnnn shittt, slow down." I tried pushing him out I felt myself about to cum again, but he moved my hand after a few more strokes we both came. He pulled out and got up going to my bathroom.

I flipped over so that I was on my back and tried to catch my breath. I heard the shower running. I got up and took the sheets off an picked up some pillows that fell off the bed too.

I went to go take a shower in the bathroom that was in the hallway. I also peed especially since I know this  nigga nutted in me.

Ima need money for a plan B. I wouldn't know what to do with a damn baby. My  mom wasn't even a mother to me so how could I be somebody's mom when I didn't even have that mother figure in my life?

I walked back into my room with my towel wrapped around me and Asad was putting his shoes on.

"Here use this to get a plan B Ian mean to nut in yo ass, Wrong pussy." He said laughing and handed me a one hundred dollar bill and left.

I walked downstairs and locked the door. That little slick ass comment he made was cute. He won't be getting anymore pussy from me.

I'm trippin anyway. I'm acting like a whole side bitch right now. I'm fucking him and not even getting paid. It was going on four in the morning, I went back upstairs and got in my bed.

Thank god my mom took a third shift otherwise she would've heard all of that.

I woke up and started getting ready.  I had to meet up with Gianna  to look at the building I wanted to buy for my One Stop Beauty Shop.

We ended up having to reschedule due to some issues she was having with one of her other clients. It was eight thirty an I had to meet her at the building at ten.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and then I went to my closet grabbing a 2 piece crop top jacket skirt set. It was pink and white plad an it hugged my curves perfectly, but it wasn't super tight.

After I put it on I did a sleek bun to the back with baby hairs and then I started on my makeup. I looked good as fuck. I put on my clear heels with my L necklace and charm bracelet Jaceyon got me two weeks ago from pandora.

I grabbed my small clear purse grabbing everything I need. I decided to go to Starbucks for breakfast first before meeting her. I was starving.

"So what do you think about it now that you've seen it in person?" Gianna asked as we got on the elevator going to the first floor.

"I like it. It just needs some work of course." I was lowkey nervous I didn't know how I was gonna fix this place up by myself. I might've took on more than I can take.

"Hey don't get discouraged we all have to start somewhere London. At least you have a building you just have to put your magic touch on it." She rubbed my shoulder reassuring me.

We walked off the elevator going to the lobby.

"You're right Gianna but I don't know. I'm not a construction worker." I blew out a deep breath. I didn't know anything about reconstructing shit an all this other stuff. I only know how to do the services my Shop is gonna offer.

"Look I'll give you the keys an a week to decide so you can possibly come back with somebody who does reconstruction, that way they can help you better because I don't know anything about it either." She gave me the keys and hugged me.

"Don't give up London you've come too far from saving up the money for the building and getting your LLC, you have all the licenses required for everything, an all the other documents got approved. You were nineteen when you came to me with this plan and now you're twenty one, you're almost there love. I have to go meet with another client, I'll email you." She smiled and walked off.

I left and went to the store so I could buy me a plan B.


"Damn you just now getting home? It's almost five in the morning. You didn't see me calling you?" Jade said as soon as I came in the house.

"Nah I been sleep. Why you so worried about where I been anyway? You still got me sleeping on the couch."

"You damn right I do cause you be with that bitch I'm not fucking stupid."

"Man this my shit I'm not about to keep doing this with you Jade you can leave if this what's it gone be like. You always bringing this bitch up." Her eyes got watery and she walked up to me.

"How can you act like this? You cheated on me So I have every right to feel how I do an act the way I act. You're always leaving me here! You know I don't have friends or a job because you do everything for me."

"That's why I told yo ass to start a business. Go back to school or something. I can't be sitting around laid up with you everyday we grown as fuck now. I gotta get this money Jade, I need you to be on the same thing."

"Go back to school and study what? I don't have any special talents. It's been years since I've been in school."

"Nursing shit something, go be a lawyer you love to argue." I walked upstairs with her trailing behind me.

"I do like to help people." She sat down on the bed next to me while I pulled out some weed and rolled up.

"Go get enrolled I'll pay for everything, but you can't keep sitting in this house bae." She straddled my lap and kissed me.

"You're right I'm sorry an I forgive you for cheating on me because I did start cheating first. Please just don't let it happen again. Promise?" She held up her pinky.

"I gotchu baby." I kissed her on the lips and locked our pinky's together.

"Your mom called and she wants us to come over for dinner tonight. She said she misses us." Jade kissed the back of my neck.

"Bet. Forreal baby go get enrolled today. I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe for school."

"Okay I am. I love you so much Asad I don't want anything or anyone to come in between us." She kissed me again.

"I love you too baby it's gone always be us as long as you on the same shit as me." She smiled and grabbed her MacBook searching up colleges near by.

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