Chapter 34

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"I know we've only known each other for a few months, but girl I'm so happy nothing happened to you guys. That would've really hurt my feelings." Tiara said while rocking Princess to sleep.

I had just finished telling her what happened and she was just as mad at Asad as I was, "Yeah I'm glad nothing happened either."

"On the bright side I got some good news for your Babyshower. I think it's a great idea." She started smiling.

"Whatchu thinking?" I smiled. I low key kind of forgot about it with all the shit I been dealing with.

"I rented out this nice ass Airbnb nothing too extreme an I'm gonna have my team do a Teddy Bear theme with Neutral colors something like this, but way better. It'll be a private Babyshower." She handed me her phone showing me an example.

"An of course it would say London's Baby shower or do you wanna add Asad in it too?" She raised her eyebrow

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"An of course it would say London's Baby shower or do you wanna add Asad in it too?" She raised her eyebrow.

The door opened making Tiara an I both look up. Speaking of the Devil.

"Wassup Ti." Asad said with Akeem right behind him. I looked over at her as she rolled her eyes and got up with Princess who was asleep still.

"Hell nah where the fuck yo ass going you been keeping my baby from me. I haven't seen her in a week the fuck is you on?" Akeem said getting angry trying to take Princess out of her hands.

"Stop it! She's sleep idiot we don't fuck witchu." Tiara yelled as she snatched her body away from him.

"Bitch quit playing with m-."

"Stop it Akeem get out you and him get the fuck out! You not gonna talk to her like that in front of Princess."
I was so irritated.

"I'm not going no fucking where." Asad said getting comfortable taking his jacket off. I rolled my eyes.

"Ti, you okay?" She pushed Princess up a little.

"Yeah I'll text you. Love you." She walked out with Akeem right behind her. I rolled my eyes looking over at Asad all kicked back like shit was cool.


"It's been a whole hour now London." I said looking over at her as she just stared into the TV she  been ignoring me this whole time.

"You're so weird." She started laughing, "Just a few months ago you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. Now you all Mr. Family man and shit."

"London you know you got a reputation come on now. I thought you was just tryna pin a baby on a Nigga." I sucked my teeth.

"If I told you, you was the only Nigga that I been fucking then that's what the fuck I mean. I don't have a reason to lie to you. Who the fuck are you?"  She scrunched her face up.

"Whatchu want me to do London? I can't go back and fix my mistakes I wish I could, but I can't like damn I apologize London for everything from disrespecting you to me putting my hands on you and denying the baby knowing it was a possibility that it could be mine I'm sorry G for real."  I tried rubbing her cheek but she turned her face.

"You should kill your self just like you did Jaceyon and honestly my son isn't here yet there's no need for you to be around me until he's here, so get your shit and get the fuck out." She said catching a nasty ass attitude.

"Man Ian' going no fuckin where you better chill the fuck out talking to me like that though." I got up and pressed the button to call the Nurse in.

"Why are you doing that?"

"Cause you been spazzin the fuck out on me ever since I walked in an I know it's stressing my Son out, she need to come check y'all shit."

I sat back down and stared at her licking my lips. I loved this Blonde Hair on her an I can't wait till she stop holding her nuts on a nigga and give me some cause I need it.

Sorry this chapter was so short I just kept seeing a lot of update comments so I did!!! The next chapter will be longer , and Thankyou guys so much for reading  and flood this book with comments I need feedback ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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