Chapter 15

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"Asad is that you? I heard my mama yell from the living room.

"Yeah ma." I closed and locked the door. I walked into the living room and my mom was stretched out on the couch in her black track suit.

My mom was beautiful she kept her black hair cut in a shoulder length Bob and she always kept it done. She was darkskin too, that's where I get my dark skin from.

Legend on the other hand is light skin.

"How have you been?" She got up and hugged me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I been good ma. How you been?" I kissed her forehead and sat beside her on the couch.

"I've been fine baby. Your daddy told me how he wants to start back doing that bullshit. Supplying niggas and getting a new team to sell out here on these blocks."

"Yeah me and Akeem told him we don't think it's a good idea. That's how we got caught up and went to prison."

"Exactly an I'll be damned if I have to go through that shit again. Talking to my damn son through a phone, only seeing you once every three months." She rolled her eyes and flipped through the channels while I stayed quiet.

I had a lot on my mind.

"Asad I want you to think about that I don't care about none of that shit your dad is putting in your head. I lost one child I won't lose another one. You and your brother meant the world to me."

Some tears dropped from my eyes, and my mom quickly wiped them.

"Ashad would've been so proud of you baby an I know he is." She rubbed my back.

"I should've been there ma but I was stuck in Prison it wasn't shit I could do. That shit wouldn't have happened if I was out he know I would've been right there with him." She grabbed a tissue and gave it to me.

I wiped my tears and blew my nose before my mama grabbed my chin making me look at her.

"Stop putting the blame on yourself like you said you were locked up it wasn't shit you could do Son. He's still here with you spiritually and you two will meet again my love." She rested her hand on my cheek an kissed my forehead.

"Come over this Friday for dinner I'm cooking your favorite and your father will finally be present and so will Lexie."

I shook my head Okay.

"I love you son, you know you can stay the night if you need to." She grabbed my tissue throwing it away.

"Nah I gotta get home to Jade ma I love you too." I leaned back getting comfortable on the couch.

"Well let yourself out when you're ready and drive safe when you do leave." She walked upstairs an I heard her bedroom door shut.


"Goodmorning London how are you feeling Beautiful?" Doctor Harper asked coming into the room for my check up.

"Goodmorning Doctor Harper I'm fine. How are you?" I gave a soft smile.

"I'm hanging in there girl. Let's see how much improvement your baby has made." I laid down and lifted my shirt up.

I watched her apply the cold gel and start moving the camera around on my stomach.

"Heartbeat is perfect as always which is great." I looked at the screen and my tiny little baby was moving around, it was so cute.

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