Chapter 17

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It was the next day an I was at my weekly Doctors appointment.

"London I tried to call you to tell you the DNA test results which came back 99.9% , but you wouldn't pick up is everything okay?" Doctor Harper asked.

"Yes ma'am everything is fine. I just broke my phone that's all. I'm getting a new one as soon as I leave from here." I said lying.

"Okay great just checking, let's go ahead and see what the Gender is." I laid back and lifted up my shirt while she went ahead an applied the cold Gel rubbing the camera on it.

"There goes that strong heartbeat." She said while the heartbeat played throughout the room.

"Oh wow, well that wasn't hard to tell at all. You're having a boy, London congratulations!!" She said smiling showing me his penis. He was definitely his Father's son.

I smiled and Doctor Harper reached over hugging me, "Thankyou, you've been so amazing to me throughout this whole journey so far." I hugged her back.

"Don't thank me it's my job." She wiped off my belly an I pulled down my shirt.

"Doctor Harper can I use your phone to text Asad? I'm supposed to be meeting him at T-Mobile so I can get a new phone. I just wanna make sure he's close by." I asked nervously not knowing if she'd say yes or no.

"Of course! Here you go, I'll be right back I'm gonna go get you a Gift Basket now that we know what you're having." She handed me her Black iPhone 11 and walked out.

I clicked Asad's name and started telling him my situation and how I needed him to come save us an if not for me at least for his Son. I was gonna delete the thread after sending it, so that Doctor Harper wouldn't see anything.


"So how has everybody been? It's been a long time since we've all sat at the table together usually it's just Asad and Jade with me." My mom said.

"Shyda you know I be out handling business." Legend said.

We were at her and my pops house having Brunch. She cooked Grits, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, and some cut up fruit.

"I've been doing good Ashyda. I'm getting better at doing Nails. Soon I'll be able to do y'all's and have my own shop." Lexie said smiling.

"Your nails look good baby I thought you got them done at a Shop." Legend said making her smile.

"Oh yeah? That's great I'm glad you're doing something you like. How have you been Jade?" My mom asked.

"I've been good. I've been thinking about changing my major but I don't know what to. Nursing isn't interesting enough for me." She shrugged her shoulders eating.

"As long as you find something you like I'm happy for you but College isn't cheap so don't switch your majors too much."

"Yeah. I know Asad paying for it, so don't let my Son down." Legend said with an attitude.

"Legend." My mom said looking at him. He rolled his eyes an ate his pancakes. The girls started having their own conversation while Legend ate his food. I looked down seeing I had a text from Doctor Harper, but it was a long ass paragraph.

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