Chapter 33

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"Beep, Beep, Beep." I woke up to the sound of the Heart monitor beside me beeping. What happened? I looked beside me an Asad was sleep in the chair beside me.

"Asad." I said softly. He slowly opened his eyes and jumped up once he realized that I was awake now.

"Shit London I thought I lost y'all." He pulled me into a hug squeezing the life out of me while letting out a deep breath.

"What happened?" I was so confused. The last thing I remembered was me getting up to go use the bathroom and now I'm in a hospital bed?

"London you were bleeding out when I came in the house to get you so we could go baby shopping, and then you passed out while I was on the phone with 911."

"Damn how long have I been in here?"

"Since earlier this morning. It's going on six now. I'll call the Nurse to let her know you're awake." He got up and pressed a button an a few minutes later the Nurse came in. She was Dark skin with a nice body and she had her long bundles clipped to the back with some purple scrubs on. She was pretty.

"Good evening London I'm glad to see that you're awake now. I'm Nurse Lynsey is it okay if I check you and the baby's vitals?" She smiled.

"Yeah that's fine." I was feeling a little weak.

"What caused her to bleed out?" Asad asked with his hands in his pockets.

"Well based on the X-ray we did there's some damage done to the placenta which is what your baby is in and that's what caused the Bleeding. Have you had any abuse towards your stomach from anyone? I'm not trying to get personal, but that's usually the situation when a placenta is ruptured.

I thought back to the first time Asad choked me and dropped me on the floor hurting my stomach, then I thought about how Jaceyon pushed me up against the wall stomach first an how I felt that sharp pain. All the memories came crashing at me like a ton of bricks.

"Miss. Martinez? Have you experienced any abuse?" She had a concerned look on her face making me snap out of my thoughts.

"No ma'am, but I have been doing some reconstruction at my Beauty salon." I said lying. I've been abused more than half of my pregnancy.

"Well we definitely need to refrain from that until you're not pregnant anymore your son is very very lucky to still be here. That's a dangerous situation and had your boyfriend not came in when he did you could've bled out killing both you and the Baby, so please be careful."

"Definitely I understand an I don't do it anymore I have a construction team that works on it now." I forced a smile to lighten the mood.

"Great, but we do have to keep you here for the next 3 days so that we can monitor you and the baby's vitals ." She washed her hands.

I stayed silent thinking about how Asad and Jaceyon could've killed my kid.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

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