Chapter 8

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"Long time no see how have you been Son." My mom said pulling me into a hug. I kissed her forehead.

"I been good ma. Just handling this business. How you been? You got the house smelling good and clean."

"I've been good baby trying to get your daddy to sit his ass down somewhere, and you  know I don't like no dirty shit, come in the kitchen where's Jade?" I followed her to the kitchen.

"She should be getting out the car now." I helped my mom take the salmon out the oven.

"So will I be getting any grand babies anytime soon?" Me, my mom, and Jade were at the table eating dinner.

"We've been trying. I feel like ever since the miscarriage everything has gone down hill." Jade said eating her salad.

"Don't get discouraged baby. Keep trying. We gotta have somebody to take over the family business for when this man here gets old like his dad." She said laughing.

"I'm twenty six ma we got plenty time." I ate my salmon.

"I know baby I'm just messing with you, plus Akeem's little girl keeps me busy enough, but it would be nice to have one. He's back in town you know?"

"Yeah we talked." Akeem was my blood cousin we did this shit together. Him, his babymama and little girl been on a cruise ship for the last week an a half.

"Anything new with you Jade?" My mom asked.

"I enrolled into college earlier today so we're gonna see how that goes."

"That's awesome darling. Asad you guys need to be careful with the work yall do, especially if there's gonna be a baby in the picture soon." She sipped from her wine glass.

"We will ma." I ate my baked potato.

"I'll keep him out of trouble Ashyda you don't have to worry." Jade said smiling.

"Good, you're a good girl Jade, the perfect one. I like you for him a lot." My mom said smiling. They had a good ass relationship.

The next day..


"Hello?" Zuki answered on the third ring.

"Look I know we got off on the wrong foot the last time we talked but let's put that behind us. I have the keys to my new shop. You wanna stop by and see it? Maybe give me some tips on how to design it?"

"Sorry I can't I have a Girls lunch to attend with my other friends"

"Oh okay. Uhh have fun I guess, we can go out for drinks later?"

"Nah can't do that either. Henry is taking me out on a date tonight maybe another time." She hung up and I looked at the phone hurt.

"Hey look we need to talk." I jumped turning around seeing Teresa.

"What Teresa?" I rolled my eyes and sat my phone down.

"I'm giving you three days to get out. I got a new man and he say he don't want no kids in his house if he gone be the only one paying bills here and you're not about to ruin for that me."

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