Chapter 24

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"Damn you look good where you going?" Asad said walking up behind me kissing me on the cheek. I had on a white strapless dress that hugged my curves and pregnant belly just right, an I also did a light beat on my face going for a natural look an I wasn't mad at the extra ass my Son was giving me.

"To the Mall to go shopping for Hawaii tomorrow with Tiara, we've been texting none stop since you've introduced us. She's so sweet and funny."

"I told you, she ain't nothing like Suki fake ass." He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me on my neck. I snapped a few pictures of us like I always do.

"Send them to me even though you still ain't sent me our other ones." He said standing behind me as I scrolled through them.

"Okay I will." He started rubbing all over my ass and kissing me on the neck again. Ever since we had sex we've been inseparable an all over each other. I was starting to get super attached to him.

"You got time for a quickie?" He sucked on my neck making me moan and get out of his Grip before I ended up fucking him.

"No Asad Tiara is already there waiting with Princess."

"Come on just five minutes Miss Lady that's all I need, let me bend yo fine ass over." He begged.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck staring up at him, "You an I both know we can't just Fuck for five minutes Mr. Jones." I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss.

"I'll be back." I grabbed my purse, phone and keys before walking out with Asad right behind me. He always opened and closed the car door for me even if he wasn't in the car.

"Drive safe Girl." He stuck his head through my car window and gave me a Kiss before backing up from the car so I could pull out.

"Awww Bitch look at you, you're glowing and that ass fat as fuck from the last time I saw you." Tiara said as I gave her a hug.

"Thankyou Ti, you look good too girl and yes Son Son coming through for mama." I said referring to the extra ass he gave me.

Tiara had on some ripped skinny jeans an a white Gucci shirt with her Gucci sandals. She had a nice body as well. It was like mine before I got pregnant just a little thicker. She had a quick weave middle part Bob with streaks of Grey Hair that fitted her face perfectly.

Princess was in her stroller in a cute Gucci onesie with some Gucci socks. She had two curly ponytails in her hair with green and red bows and Tiara did some simple baby hairs. Princess was absolutely adorable and looked just like Tiara but kind of a lighter version due to Akeem.

"You're welcome Girl, you ready for this trip? I'm so excited to get away and just relax." She smiled as we made our way to to the nail salon first to get our toes and nails done since that would take the longest.

"Hell yes girl I need a break from Ohio."

"Say that shit again an ima be kid free for a whole week thanks to Ashyda, Asad's mom who agreed to Babysit."

"Is she nice? I'm supposed to be meeting her when we come back from Hawaii."

"She's cool if she likes you, but if she doesn't like you you're definitely in for a rude awakening. She loved Jade girl so I can only imagine how she's gonna act once she meets you." She said being truthful.

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