Chapter 31

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"Don't worry about what they said okay? I'll definitely get my Wife in check she was out of line. You're still my Daughter in law at the end of the day even if you an Asad aren't on good terms right now and nothing they said back there makes me look at you any different." Legend said helping me get in the car making me smile even though I really wanted to break down in tears.

"Thankyou so much Legend you've been so nice to me. I don't really have a father figure in my life so I really do appreciate it." I forced a smile. I felt terrible.

"I'm only a call away Babygirl always remember that." Asad walked outside looking upset slamming the front Door.

Legend stepped away from the door and they exchanged a few words before hugging each other. Asad got in the car and looked over at me while cranking the car up and Missing you by YFN Lucci blasted through the speakers he turned it down a little but not too much.

"You straight?" I slowly blinked and started crying finally letting my tears out. He reached over and pulled me into a Hug.

"Come on London don't cry please Fuck all that shit they was saying." He kissed my forehead an all on the side of my face an I just kept crying.

How could Suki tell Jade my Business like that? I wonder what else she told them? I also felt terrible at the fact that I ruined a relationship even though I handled myself well back there that shit was eating me up on the inside because all of this is all my fault.

Asad softly grabbed my face making me look up at him. We stared into each other's eyes until he finally spoke up breaking the silence besides the music in the background.

"I love you." My heart felt like it had dropped an I got Butterflies in my stomach. I stared at him with Lust and love and pulled his face down to Kiss me.

"I miss ha' , I miss ha', I miss ha' , I miss ha'  I will always remember her like a riddle. Still think about the things I did to ha'. I can't wait to get off this tour. Ima' fuck you on the bed then the floor in the shower have you pinned up to the wall yeahh. I said answer me girl? Do you ever dream of me? .... I need answers..."

Asad stayed home with me for about two hours before leaving out to handle his business, but that was earlier this morning. It's going on ten and he still wasn't home but he has been texting me.

I can't believe he told me he loved me. I love him too for sure but I was just scared to say it back, I've never felt the way I do about Asad for no Nigga so it's all just new and different to me. Im used to taking a nigga money and fucking them then it's on to the next, not catching feelings for their ass. This situation was different though way different because there's a Baby involved.

I went in the Kitchen an opened the refrigerator grabbing my tomatoes and lemons. I cut the tomatoes up and squeezed the lemon over it before sprinkling some salt and pepper over it. This shit is good as fuck, I've been eating it for the last few days I literally can't go a day without it. I brought it in my bedroom and sat it on the dresser before going in my bathroom to start a much needed Bubble bath.

I grabbed a candle from out the kitchen under the bottom cabinet that I had got from Bath&Body Works it smelled like a Cinnamon Bun. I brought it in my bathroom and lit it before stripping out of my clothes and grabbing my tomatoes so that I could enjoy them in my Bubble Bath.

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