Chapter 18

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"Damn she live all the way at the bottom." Akeem said. We had Max with us too he was the dark skin nigga with the twisted up finesse.

It was just us three and we was gone let Max handle this Body even though I wanted to, I am gone beat his ass though before I let Max kill him.

We pulled in, "Look at Mario ass backed in drinking a Modelo." We all busted out laughing.

"Aight this the plan ima knock on the door and then we all gone step aside and hide. As soon as that door open I'm knocking his ass out. I want you to close and lock the door once we drag his body in and Don't shoot till I say shoot."

"Bet I gotchu." We all put our black ski mask on and got out the car with our guns walking up to London apartment an all the lights were off.

I knocked on the door and we ducked off to the side. Once we heard the door open we all ran up an in one swift move I knocked this bitch ass nigga out.

Akeem helped me drag him in the house and Max quickly closed and locked the door like I asked him to.

"Damn you knocked his ass out." I looked at Max and he looked excited. I looked back down at Jaceyon and kicked his ass.

"Wake the fuck up!" He groaned and held his stomach.

Akeem sat him in a chair and smacked him in the face a little to wake him up, "Hey we have a major problem witcha buddy. Trust me you'll be able to go back to sleep after this."

He finally opened his eyes and started laughing, "Ohhh I see, this must be Babydaddy." He spit out some blood.

"Yeah nigga it's me Babydaddy, the Nigga you been waiting on so you can kill him. Do something nigga." I was giving him the opportunity to stand up and he did trying to run towards the bedroom but I tripped his dumb ass up.

"You gotta be a lil smarter than that." I said picking his head up so he was looking at me. I punched him right in the nose.

"Fuccckk!" He yelled in pain. I stood up and kicked him in his jaw.

"Let me beat his ass so I can show y'all what I got to offer." Max said coming out of nowhere kicking him in the side multiple times.

He rolled him over and Jaceyon spit blood out on him, "Y'all niggas some bitches it took three of y'all for me." He laughed again.

"GANG GANG NIGGA!" Max yelled stomping on top of his dick making Jaceyon scream like a Bitch.

"Help me what's going on?" I heard a faint voice come from the living room. London.

I forgot all about Jaceyon and ran to the couch seeing her laid out with her leggings half way on, and her belly bump was way bigger from the last time I saw her.

"Asad?" Her eyes teared up and she started crying.

"London I'm sorry." I stared into her eyes she looked so hurt. I pulled her leggings up.

"Aye I killed his ass Akeem tol-."They both stopped when they saw the condition London was in.

"Call Mario and tell him to come in, so y'all can put his body in the trunk, then take it to the woods and burn it." He nodded his head and got on it.

Akeem helped me get her out the apartment an into the car, "Drive us to a Hotel so I can get a room. I can't go home." I tossed him the keys and got in the backseat with London.

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