Chapter 11

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I pulled up to London's house but there were no cars in the drive way. I parked and got out. I looked around and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later a short lady opened the door and London looked exactly like her, just the lighter version. She was thick too damn who is this? Her sister?

"Can I help you?" She looked me up and down.

"I'm Asad is London here?"

"I'm Teresa, London's mother and nah she ain't here I been kicked that bitch out months ago. My man wasn't going for it." She smoked her Cigarette with her curly hair all over the place.

"Do you know where she live at now?"

"Hell nah an I don't give a damn why you looking for her anyway you her pimp or something?" She blew smoke out the side of her mouth laughing.

"Nah I'm not a Pimp ma'am. I'm a business man and your daughter an I have unfinished business."

"Welp I hope you find the bitch an if you do tell her to come get the rest of her shit she left behind. We tryna turn her room into an upstairs bar." She waved her cigarette in the air and slammed the door.

I got back in my car and called Akeem and he answered on the first ring.

"It's yours ain't it?" He asked as soon as he picked up.

"Nigga shut the fuck up I can't find her ass. What gas station did you see her at?" I put my car in reverse seeing another car pull in and this big black ass Nigga got out.

"Qt on City street she prolly live in The Falls, them nice ass apartments down the street with the lake in front of the entrance."

"Shit you think she can afford to live there? That's where the white people live but aight bet I'a hit you when I know something." I hung up and made my way to The Falls.

I pulled up seeing it was a Gated community. Damn how the fuck ima get in? I don't know her extension number to ask for it and she not even responding to my messages.

I watched a car enter a code and go in an I quickly followed behind before the gates closed. Once I was in I made my way to the rent office to see which apartment number she was living in.

I got out my car and walked inside.

"Goodafternoon Welcome to The Falls are you wanting a Tour or an application?" The white man at the front desk asked me.

"Nah I need to know what apartment number London lives in."

"And who are you to Miss. Martinez?" He opened a binder going through some papers.

"A friend." I was starting to get frustrated with all these questions.

"I can't let you know that information there's no one on her lease except for her." I reached across the desk and punched him in his nose grabbing the Binder.

"London Adrianna Martinez Apartment Z4." I looked up and he was holding his nose that was leaking.

"Thanks Joshua,  you my boy." I said looking at his name tag and giving him the binder an one hundred dollars before walking out. I got in my car and drove all the way down to Apartment Z4.

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