Chapter 39

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The Next Morning


*iPhone ringing*

*iPhone ringing* I moved around in my sleep pressing the power button on my phone not paying attention to who it was that was calling me.

*iPhone ringing* I let out a deep breath and turned the other way putting the pillow over my ears falling back asleep I was so sleepy.

*iPhone ringing*

"I MEAN DAMN WHAT THE FUCK CAN I SLEEP!?" I sat up and yelled into the phone answering it not recognizing the number.

"London calm down it's me Akeem. Asad got shot lastnight."

"WHAT!?" I dropped the phone instantly feeling the tears fall out my eyes.

"London." I heard him keep calling my name making me pick  my phone back up.

"He's okay come to Memorial he just got out of surgery the room number is Three hundred on the 2nd floor."

"Okay, okay I'm coming give me twenty minutes." I hung up and got out my bed going into the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face. My hair was still in the updo from my Babyshower so I didn't have to do that. I walked into my closet and put on this red Nike sweat suit with my black Uggs. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys before jetting out the Door as quick as I could.

Getting off the elevator I felt my heart sink more and more as I got closer to the room number. I was scared I didn't know what kind of condition he was in.

"Two ninety four, two ninety six, two ninety eight." I whispered to myself as I passed the rooms stopping before I got to his.

"Three hundred." I took a deep breath before opening the Door and walking in. I let out my breath once I saw he was okay. He just had a patch over his Chest.

"I'm so glad you're okay Asad I'm sorry I'm so sorry." I walked over to his Bed wrapping my arms around his neck crying hugging him. He kissed the side of my forehead.

"I'm okay London." He kissed my forehead again.

"I'm sorry for everything I said to you. I don't want you to die. I need you, me and Loyal need you." I didn't wanna let go of him. I really have to watch what I say.. I would lose my mind if I lost Asad.

"I'm not going nowhere I'm sorry too I love you so much London I'm sorry for everything Forreal." I looked at him and his eyes were watery, so I wiped them before planting a kiss on his lips. I did a few more and he grabbed my face kissing me with so much passion like it would be our last. I felt myself melting at his touch.

"Baby I tried to get here as quick as possib-." I turned around seeing some Dark skin girl with these long ass locs and she had on some Black leggings with an off the shoulder white sweater and some house slippers

"Asad who is that?" I got up from his arms and looked back and forth between the two.

"This Brianna a friend of mine."

"A friend that's calling you Baby?" I scrunched my face up, "That's the bitch that kept calling you at our Babyshower?"

"Come on London chill." He tried to grab my hand but I snatched it away.

"No don't tell me to fucking chill are you fucking him?" I looked at the girl.

"Yep almost every night." She smiled like she had won a trophy or something.

"Well keep fucking him cause he'll never touch me again and make sure you fuck him good so he can stop begging for mine." I grabbed my purse and walked passed her.

"An Akeem if you knew about this ima fuck you up." I pointed my finger in his face.

"Sis he told me y'all ain't wanna see each other till the Baby got here so he was doing him." He threw his hands up in defense backing up.

"Why the fuck would you call me up here if you knew about her?" I kept getting closer making him step back.

"Ian know this Bitch was gone pop up Sis ion have her number you know the streets talk quick." He backed into a chair making it scrape the floor. I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the door.

"London bring yo ass back." Asad yelled.

"Fuck you Asad." I slammed the Door and made my way to the elevator. Once I was out an in my car I broke down crying. How could he? How can he move on and fuck another Bitch so easily? I could see if it was Jade but he went and got a whole new Bitch.

This shit ain't it when I drop I'm going back to the old me, fucking whoever I want when I want cause ain't no Nigga finna keep playing with me like this. I wiped my tears and cranked the car up. I can't wait to start seeing other niggas.


"Fuck is you here for Brianna?" I watched London slam the door while Brianna stood there smiling.

"Somebody's mad." She looked at the door laughing a little before starting to walk towards me.

"Baby I'm just coming to check on you. I heard the news I had to make sure you were okay." Her face softened up. She bent down trying to kiss me, but I dodged it. She know damn well we don't do no kissing.

"You can leave now you see I'm straight."

"Why is you being like that Asad damn I'm just tryna show you I care." She tried to kiss my cheek making me roughly push her.

"Akeem get this Bitch out." He shook his head walking towards her. She was acting looney.

"Come on shorty you gotta go before I call security on yo ass." He grabbed her arm.

"Why the fuck are you being like that towards me? One minute you're nice and we're fucking! Then the next minute you calling me a Bitch!" She yelled trying to get out of his grip.

"Keem get that Bitch out bra."

"You trippin ma get out." He pushed her out the door before closing and locking it.

"Yo why the fuck you always stickin yo dick in crazy ass bitches?" Akeem said grabbing a chair sitting it next to my bed.

"Man that's that Bitch I met at the club a couple weeks ago, she seemed cool." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fuck her G we need to find who did this shit."

"It was some black ass bald headed nigga. He was mad we set up shop in his hood, the West ain't pulling in no money anyway. Dre brought in ten bands the other night he said he almost had to kill a nigga."

"Fuck it then we done selling on the west we can set up somewhere else, but we definitely gone slide on them Niggas everyday till we catch em."

"Damn right Nigga." We dapped each other up.

"I'm glad you still here tho for real man I love you nigga real shit you gotta be careful baby boy." He dapped me back up.

"I love you too Nigga this shit for life Ian going nowhere." I leaned up and pressed the button to notify the Nurse. I needed me some more percs me and Keem been in here high as hell.

Can y'all leave me some comments please 😩 I love comments an I need feedback. I hope y'all happy about the updates too ❤️❤️

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