Chapter 43

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"I'm so ready for this baby to get out of me." I complained while walking Papi with Asad.

"London it's cold as fuck bra can we please go back to the house." I looked over at him and he was hugging hisself making me bust out laughing.

"Yo scrawny ass! See me I feel fine cause all this walking done made my body temperature go up and Papi not cold either he having the time of his life you should've wore a jacket."

He sucked his teeth, "Man his ass done already pee'd and shitted twice let's go and you done got plenty of fresh air." He said turning around on the trail so we could go back to the car.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and caught up with him giving Papi the opportunity to nip at his ankle making Asad kick him a little.

"Don't kick my fucking dog what the fuck wrong with you!" I pushed him a little before picking Papi up and rubbing the side of his face.

"Tell yo Dog don't fucking bite me then the fuck." He said with an attitude looking down at his ankle.

"He barely bit you that's what you get for tryna leave me behind cold skinny ass." We walked back to the car and stopped by Chilli's before heading back to my place.

"Damn this shit is good." I closed my eyes while I ate my Cajun chicken pasta. I been craving this all day. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard licking making me pop my eyes back open seeing Papi's fat ass eating my Pasta.

"No way." My voice cracked an I broke down in tears.

"London." Asad said while looking behind at me he was playing the game.

"No that's fucked up I haven't ate shit since this morning an I been craving that pasta all damn day!" I kept crying wiping my tears moving the food off my lap.

"It's not that seri-."

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up Asad." I looked down at Papi's stupid ass, "Why would you do that? I would never eat your nasty ass dog food."

He stared at me and just licked his lips. I got up and grabbed him putting him in his cage in the living room and he instantly started whining but I didn't give a fuck he should've never ate my food.

I wiped my tears while walking back in the bedroom when I got a notification on my phone saying there was an AirTag near me.

"Asad you put an AirTag on my car or something?"

"Hell nah what the fuck is that?" He looked up from the game at me confused before checking his phone, "Shit I just got the same message."

"Oh hell no Asad that means somebody is tracking us who the fuck are you beefing with??" I was finna get pissed off.

"Chill out you can disable it and they can't track you no more." Why was he being so nonchalant?

"How you know they haven't screen shotted my fuckin address already? Is it them niggas that shot at you?" I was starting to get paranoid what if they were outside right now?

"Man ain't no street nigga tracking another nigga down with a fuckin AirTag London."

"Oh so what? you tryna say it's a Bitch that's tracking you down?" I laughed a little cause he had me fucked up.

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