Chapter 27

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"Is everyone enjoying themselves so far?" Legend asked looking around at everybody. We were all eating brunch in the Dining area.

"Yep it's lovely." London said being dry. I found it crazy how she was acting like I wasn't even at the table. She haven't even looked at a nigga and she sat beside Tiara instead of me.

We went from fucking to her giving me the silent treatment.

"Nah I'm not this nigga think I'm dumb. What happened at that Business meeting?" Tiara said and threw her fork down on her plate.

"We made a Great ass deal that's what happened." Legend said laughing.

"Asad what happened?" She stared at me squinting her eyes. She looked mad as fuck. Shit, sorry Keem.

"Keem got his Dick sucked." Tiara punched him in his jaw and stood up.

"Oh shit." London said taken back.

"And you kept tryna play me like I was fucking dumb. You came in the bathroom while I was in there but you were so busy tryna get out of your clothes that you didn't even notice me and when you finally looked up you looked like a little ass boy that had been caught red handed!" She yelled.

I'm glad I didn't lie cause I knew she would've tried to swing on me too an Ian got time for that shit.

"Alright you caught me bra, but what the fuck you been doing for a month? You ain't gave me no pussy in a month, I'm always at the house by myself with Princess when I'm not out handling business and yo ass always gone! So what the fuck is you doing Tiara?" Akeem yelled and got up getting in her face.

"Working and you fucking know that! Im a fucking Party planner, some events have to be done late at night when the event is gonna be that following morning you childish ass Bitch!" She pushed him and walked out of the dining area and London got up following her.

"Nigga why the fuck you say that shit." Akeem said getting mad at me.

"She already knew hell I wasn't finna lie so she can come over here and try to deck me in my shit too. I told yo Dumbass not to do that shit."

He shook his head, "Now look atcho ass, you leakin."

"Akeem get right we gotta go take some product to Marco and Pedro so they can test it out to see if they like it." Legend said getting up and walking out.

I got up and went to go find London. I only told her the truth because I didn't wanna lie to her.

I literally talked to Jade for like fifteen minutes when she came up there to the Construction site and when she tried to kiss me I moved her ass out the way. I really didn't have to do that shit cause London not my Bitch she just carrying my child but that's just how much respect I got for her ass.


"Bitch I was literally sitting on the toilet about to wipe, and then here his big tall ass come busting in not even paying attention. The nigga was so focused on getting his pants off. I saw the wetness on his Boxers from that Bitch's slob, so I asked his ass what the fuck he got going on." Tiara said walking back and forth.

"What did he say?" I was sitting on the Bed listening to what happened. We had came in a Guest bedroom.

"Girl the punk ass nigga jumped like he seen a Ghost then tried to ask why I was in there! Like No bitch! Why are you in here with wet ass boxers on? Then he tried to say he pee'd on his self." She rolled her eyes.

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