chapter 13

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

Dawnya blinked Beary, brushing the feathers from tickling her face as she slowly regained movement. The vibrating sands surrounding them having died down – instead of a deafening roar it was a low rumple. Somewhere they had survived the stampede unscathed...

Sky blue hues darted about the scene, to her comrades.

Well, mostly unscathed. Dawnay watching the princess hold back tears over the duck who had bravely taken the brunt of the horse's charge. An honourable move – in her eyes. She moved forwards looking over the duck – she didn't know enough medical stuff to help ease the creature's pain.

Not that they really had any time to do so...

The war had begun – they needed to hurry if there wanted to save lives.

She could see the determination on the princesses face even as the sorrow for her dear friend wanted to break free. "I learned something aboard that ship! To NEVER GIVE UP!" she yelled in conviction, riling herself up as well as the duck before her.

"Vivi!" a familiar voice called; Dawnya turned towards the newcomer arriving on a horse...

Where did the horse come from?

Dawnya's blue hues narrowed dangerously, her body shifting to stand in-between the princess and the new comer. Usopp.

"Hop on!" the male called, "forget the bird" Stike two in Dawnya eyes, usopp would never say that. "We have to stop this battle before it too late"

A hand drifted to the hilt of the sheathed sword. Ready for the moment – as realisation flickered in the princesses' eyes.

"Usopp? How do I know you're really who you say you are?"

"Are you doubting me? Look!" the fake usopp showed his bandaged arm – not what was underneath it.

The duck moved, just as she released the sword from its sheath. Sweeping in a wide arch across the sands between them. The long blade causing a rift in the sands – dust bellowing upwards and the fake jumped backwards to avoid the viciously long blade.

She turned the dust cloud starting to settle as she followed quickly behind the duck and princess. She sprant – the wind unable to hold her back as bare feet barely touched the sandy ground. One hand holding the nodachi firmly in to the side ready for action.

As behind them...

Mr. 2 exploded from the sand cloud, with a swan like dash.

The game of cat and mouse just beginning.

Using the sands around the tip of tobutori long blade swept about, sending sand particulars to the man, in the hopes to slow him down a few seconds. To aid the injured running duck in its progresses – it being the only thing to come to mind to aid her mission. Fighting would be more preferable but the need from the princess to get to the location was higher than the need to fight.

For the moment anyway.

"Don't overexert yourself karoo! You're in no shape to run!" the princess muttered, eyeing for duck friend in worry.

"I told you; you can't escape me!" the Okama yelled only to eat another face full of sand.

"I said wait!" he yelled, spluttering around a mouthful of sand, "I'm going to eat you!" he sung the last sentence, causing a shiver to go down Dawnya's spine what did he mean by eat? Was he a cannibal?

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