chapter 8

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

A sand storm was hitting the town of yuba, sand biting into the palms tree and burring houses, Dawnya gripped her sword handle, hanging by the back of the group, not wanting to encounter the storm nor the winds battling it.

It wouldn't end well.

By the time the group got close enough the storm had died down not before leaving half the town buried deep with sand.

"Ah travellers?" a voice called out to the group. In the centre stood an old man, digging away at the sand. "You must be exhausted from your journey. I'm sorry but yuba is all dried up"

No kidding, Dawnya though numbly eyes scanning the horizon, it was as bad as erumalu the first town the group encountered. Something didn't seem right; she didn't fully understand the logic of desserts but she doubted it was natural for two Citys days apart to suffer from the same natural disasters.

Zoro turned towards her listening the scrunched fashion of her brows, "you, okay?"

"Fine, I just..." she drifted off, "don't you think it's weird?"

"what's weird?" the greenette turned fully towards her.

"Weird that two cities in different location have the same problem? Being buried in sandstorms, it doesn't seem natural to me..."

"Maybe it's that magical powder" zoro shrugged, back towards the captain and the old man.

"We heard that the rebels were here..." Vivi started nervously, shifting behind the hood in an attempt to hide her face from view.

Dawnya felt the tension rise on the stranger at the word rebel... "what do you want with the rebels?" he questions an angry tone entering his voice as he started throwing broken object towards them, "you don't want to join them, do you?!"

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Those fool..." she watched, he sounded so defeated. His old body slumping as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. She had met many like that before... "Those fools have left yuba" he declared quietly turning to his shovelling.


"This can't be!" the crew disclaimed. What would they do now!?

"This wasn't the first sandstorm to hit yuba, three years ago the land began to dry and the sand began to blow. The dessert is at war with yuba! Slowly little by little the oasis is losing ground." the old man explained huffing and puffing - still shovelling at the sands by his feet. "When the city ran out of water, the rebels abandoned it. Katorea is their base now."

"Katorea!" Dawnya glanced towards the princess.

"where's that Vivi? is it close?"

"it's an oasis near Nanohana..."

"Nanohana..." she muttered thinking back.

"We came all this way for nothing?" the crew exclaimed in realisation. Nanohana was there starting point.

The old man paused looking closely at the group. "Vivi? Di you just say Vivi?"

"Wait mister!" Luffy started shouted, "Vivi's not a princess or anythi-" she wrapped a hand over the boy month and zoro wacked him tell the captain to shut up.

But the damage had already been done.

She could feel the pout under her hand from Luffy as the boy watched the exchanged between Vivi and the old man. It seemed the pair know each other. She relaxed her hand, moving it away from the pirate preparing to step away but a hand stopped her.

Light blue hues looked towards boy in confusion.

But the captain stare deadly ahead a slightly frown on his face watching the princess interact with the old man.

"Dawnya..." Luffy started, a grin now forming on his face, "you feel good to stand next too! Why didn't you tell us you found a cold breeze!"

She stared in confusion at the male, "pardon?"

"You know..." Sanji started thinking over, "he's right... you have this lovely breeze surrounding you Dawnya Chan~"

"Really?" chopper question curious before coming closer, standing closely by her legs. "Gosh your right there a breeze here..."

Dawnya stood still uncomfortable about the latest development – and the fact that as least half the crew were now standing incredible close to her.

"Come on! We're staying over here" Vivi called drawing the attention of the crew. From the side-line Nami watch with interest, a breeze that only seem to be around Dawnya? The ability to traverse the dessert without shoes and appropriate gear? Shackle like scars?

Her eyes widen in surprise as something else clicked into place.

The inability to swim.

Could it be? A devil fruit, the ginger haired thought over the possibilist, why wouldn't she tell them? Once the theft turned pirate thought over the question a number of different answers hit her. The main one being trust.

"You alright Nani-swan?" Sanji called out stepping in time as the ginger let out a sigh.

"Just thinking Sanji. Just got some unanswered questions, that can't be asked yet"

Time skippy

Dawnya stared at the roof above the bed, blue hues watching the cracks of paint chipping away from the ceiling. Waiting from her sleeps to drag her under, but she couldn't. It wasn't as powerfully as normal but the walls still felt like they are slowly closing in – slowly creeping to her sides – trapping her.

She knew it was impossible, seeing how she was sharing a room with the rest of the crew. But her mind couldn't help playing tricks on her. Hearing the others breathing – just made her mind darken – thinking back. Images flashed in her mind.

Dark shadowy hands gripped her sides – holding her in place. Not that you could struggle without the looming reaper breathing down on you.

The small rooms, bodies all huddled in the corner in an attempt to stay dry and warm as the water dripped from the ceiling. It was water, right?

The slithering pain rippling through her bodies as she was held in place, over and over again to break her they said. To make sure she followed commands.

Dawnya blinked the unshed tears away refocusing on the paint on the ceiling, a hand gripping painfully tight to the sword by her side. Shifting from the covered she glanced about the dark room. It was quiet, low breathing was the only thing hear in the suffocating room.

Slipping from the bed, quietly as a ghost she slipped from the room, heading for the sandy rooftop and the stars that awaited her.

"Don't follow her" zoro voice echoed throughout the room.

"But she could be a spy" questioned usopp.

"I don't think so..." Sanji muttered quietly.

"She done this on the ship hasn't she?" Nami asked.

"yes" nodded zoro though no one could see in the dark

"Claustrophobia?" chopper spoke softly, thinking over it.


"Scared of small places" chopper confirmed.

Letting the room into silence, each slowing coming to their own conclusions or putting it to the back of their mind.

To be continued...

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