Chapter 4

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

She watched the strange male with narrow eyes. It was suspicious very particular sight to see for many reasons. It had started like any 'normal' day on the strange crew but then it all changed when the ship travelled though sea steam from underwater volcanoes.

Luffy and usopp had been fishing; using the large duck as bait due to luffy eating most of the actual bait.

The ship on the most part had made its way through the smoke/steam/fog unharmed but had somehow gained an extra person.

Dawnya watched with suspicion at the strangely dressed man clinging for dear life to the duck. Luffy and usopp yelled, earning the rest of the crew's attention. "we caught an Okama!"

She furrowed her brows in though, she didn't know what an okama was but it must explain how the man was dressed, with ballet swan like shoes pink cloak with more swans and badly painted makeup. It was a strange combination. Indeed.

The man also couldn't swim so as he let go of the duck and fell in the swelling sea below in panic usopp had to jump in and save the 'okama'.

"To be rescued by pirates I've never met nor heard of... I shall never forget the debt I own to you! Now then, I am a little peckish and a hot bowl of soup right about now would be smashing if you please!" the flamboyant man spoke after safely being hold back onto the ship.

"OH HELL NO!" the gathering crew yelled. Sanji was hidden in the kitchen cooking while vivi stood on the second level watching the scene form above.

"oh my!" the ladyboy smirked, spotting the princess. "such a cute little thing you are, and just my type too! I could just eat you up!" A shiver ran down her spine at the comment. What a gross thing to say... he was one of those people then...

"So, you can't swim huh?" luffy asked innocently.

"Yes, for you see. I've eaten a devil fruit" the statement itself made her tense, a hand drifting towards her sword handle.

"Really which one?" usopp asked curiously.

"Hm? Well, since I do have some time to kill until my crew comes looking for me. Allow me to treat, you daisies, to a show!" the man stood up dramatically.

"Behold my ability!"

Hand crashed into the rubber man head. Slamming the young boy into the wood wall of the ship.


The grip tightened on her sword, preparing to attack if needed.

"hold your horses!" a familiar voice sounded, stopping Zoro from unleashing his blades on the stranger "didn't I say I'd treat you to a show?"

"so, stoop! Joking around!" luffy voice called. A luffy dressed in the stranger's attire. It was identical. A twin image of the captain of the ship. Her eyes harden as the situation descended on her. He touches the other crew mates faces, taking on the faces of usopp, Zoro, Chopper and Nami. Showing off his ability to perfectly transform himself into them – voices and body a replicate of the original.

Scars and tattoos included.

She didn't hesitate, bringing her sword up the blade across her chest, inches from the man's out sketched hand and neck. She narrowed her eyes dangerously – blue hues darkening, becoming dull as she stared at the pink cloaked male. The okama gulped not moving an inch as Dawnya shifted on the balls of her bare feet - jumping backwards onto the railing. It wasn't far enough though. She wanted to be higher. Higher away for the stranger that took take on her face if he wanted...

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