chapter 15

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

Before the warlord could even comment his distaste for the swordswomen words, she vanished into thin air. A gush of wind following as hair fluttered trailed behind her moving form as the ravenette reappeared behind the fur capped man. The long nodachi twisting round in a large swept. The tip of the blade brushing against sand.

"And what would a nobody like you demand it shall sleep" the warlord glared jumping out of the blade's way; the tip skimming pass his nose, missing by inches.

"A nobody who's seen more than you can imagine. I know that the power you seek will not stay yours" she stared blankly, bare feet lightly placed on the floor. All eyes on her form – the long nodachi lightly gripped in her hand.

"Your wrong, once the power of pluton lands in my hands I shall rule like I was supposed to" the scared warlord snarled, sending a dusty cloud of sand towards Dawnya.

"You will be buried under sand" her mind drifted back to the stories of those people – to what she'd seen in her time on the seas. A simple twist of her wrist and the cloud disrupted.

"Sand under my control" the crocodile growl, much like the animal he was named after as the sand shifted wildly around them as the winds grew wilder. Be from his devil fruit... or her own.

"You underestimate the world. Power corrupts till it destroys. The power you seek to build your sandy fortress will also be building your tomb"

"I will not be like the weak-willed men"

"That will make your own fall more devastating" she jumped forward, swinging the sword in a downward motion. Sand and the warlord himself slit in two. The sand disappearing before reforming closer towards the balconies edge.

"I'm half tempted at keeping you alive just to prove your wrong" the man smirked, a calculative look in his eyes.

She stared blankly at the man, no emotion on her visible face. The air vents fluttering as she breathed, the cold calmness spreading to every inch of her body, the Icey calm taking over her veins. Right to the tips of her fingers and toes. A feeling taking her right back into the pass, a feeling she knew all too well.

"All I will see will be your destruction." she counter, steadying the grip on her long blade.

"WAIT! Lord Chaka" the voices yelled out. Dragging their attention to the new arrivals, interrupting her fight as the new comers stepped in-between her blade and the warlord.

"Who is it?" muttered crocodile, eyes darting to the new arrivals – asking the question on her mind.

"you guys..."

"The duck claw squad!" Vivi shouted, turning towards the new arrivals recognition flickering over her features. Dawnya could hear the cheers from beyond the door – the cheering against the cries of war on the wind. But her attention was on the dark-haired women and the drips of blood falling from her hand.

She jumped backwards – back towards Vivi as the four soldiers stepped forward demeaning for the king's release.

She watched with a blank face as the scene progressed, the men having taken forbidden drugs to make them stronger – stronger to protect their king and kingdom.

Dawnya shifted on her feet, preparing to aim the men in their attack only to paused feeling on soft petals falling against her skin. She watched with curiously as the petals grew longer – growing into arms...

The arms that wrapped themselves around her form holding her in place. The swordswomen struggled against the mass of limbs – watching with sorrow as the soldiers fell before. Not stuck down by the warlord but by the drugs in their veins. A last-ditch effort to defeat the pirate.

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