chapter 6

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'...

Dawnya crouched at the edge on the building like a statue watching the streets below, keeping her ears peeled for the commotion that would most likely have Luffy at the centre. It had taken her over 30 minutes to calm herself to be a functioning human being – she was still tense. But the winds had calmed down around her.

And the onslaught of memories had stopped for the time being.

She knew she would be better. Eventually.

she would either recovery or break – her mind drifted back; someone had once described it like an inflection. You either recover and get stronger from it or you break and be a dead man walking.

It would take a while she knew as the road for recovery was bumpy but worth it in the end. Even if she had to fight, crawl her way out of the darkening deep pit her past wanted to drag her into.

She would not be overcome by the dark inflection in her mind.

She didn't want to pull others into the pit with her.

She didn't want to show others how broken she truly was.

And who knows – they could be the same as those who previously tore her down.

She blinked turning her head sideways, on the wind the whisper and noises from a few streets' overs, a large crash – the shouting of men. She pondered a moment before letting a sigh escape her mask contraptions– its filters fluttered in the breeze her breath had called before turning towards the chaos.

That is most likely were the captain of the strange ship had disappeared to and already causing trouble.

Though she hasn't known him for long, he did seem like the type.

Staying up high, she jumped building to building. Hair fluttered out behind her as she, seemingly flew between buildings towards the growing commotion. Sky blue hues narrow at the sight of Luffy running away from a smoking man?

Must be a devil fruit she mused before following the crowd of marines and Luffy form the rooftops – she'd rather not get involved just yet. Thought it appears she didn't need too...

As a large fume of smoke headed straight for the straw-hat captain, there was a sudden appearance of fire. She paused in her steps her brow scrunching in thought.

He... Just helped Luffy escape. Hmm, she contracted moving her hand from her side in a forward motion toward the fire man, just as she did so a gust of wind stormed towards the flames, making them grow wildering eating away at the smoke from the marine.

Ace eyes widen as he felt his flames grow in the sudden wind, completely eating away at the marine captain smoke. Smoker eyes also widening in surprise at the action. Ace paused in though, that didn't seem natural. Quickly dark hues look about the street for someone, anyone who didn't seem right... them! His hues flickered to the rooftops, a female with a sword. Facing his direction with the sun between her making him unable to properly she, her features.

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