chapter 21

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

Dawnya quickly ran, the grains of sand moving softly between her toes with each step. The nights moons high it the sky as she used the light to spot her route though the sand dunes to her destination.

Though she wasn't alone. She ran alongside ducks and their riders. She ran alongside the pirate crew, the ones who helped her see what proper freedom was. The pirates that caused the emptiness in her heart to shrink and grow warm, a warmth she wanted to keep growing.

The straw-hat crew, racing towards where their ship was stationed on the river. Hopefully the boat was fine so they could make an easy escape. Though chopper as requested she'd ride with the crew on one of the ducks. She opted to run. Her breathing steady as the wind brushed pass, the beat of her feet hitting the ground, light and airily. The swordswomen easily keeping pace with the gang of ducks.

Her mind drifted as the crew talked, the voices drifting over, they were chatting about Vivi. The princess with a choice.

To stay at the kingdom or to join them...


After the bath, the group had been chilling in the room the conversation much to her displeasure? Annoyance? Reluctance? Turned to her.

"So, Dawnya-Chan you're a devil fruit user huh?" Sanji asked the blondes attention on the female.

Dawnya nodded, "yes" they knew and saw, no point denying it.

"Eh? You have a devil fruit?" Luffy exclaiming the boy having not been they when she displayed her power. There was sparkling in his eyes, not an ounce of betrayal for her not disclosing the abilities.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Nami probed, the ginger watching her the ravenette curious of the other teens answer.

Though Dawnya couldn't lie, she could omit the truth, a skill she had learned over the years. "You never asked," she glanced at the ginger "it hadn't really been brought up into a conversation"

"that's true... I do remember you saying you couldn't swim..." usopp muttered thinking back, "we never did ask why"

Collectively the crew sighed apron realisation. They should have asked.

"Did it taste as bad as mine?" a curious Luffy asked, thinking back to his own badly tasting fruit.

"What fruit is it?" while chopper asked at the same time. Thinking over the medial implications the fruit could have on the teen.

"I didn't really get the chance to taste it, the mas-" she paused, thinking over the words she didn't want to say master or owners. She didn't need the pity. Though she hadn't noticed the how tense some members of the crew had gotten, though it was only 'mas' they could have asked what the ravenette was going to say. "The people" she corrected, "who gave me the fruit, force fed it me. They forced it down my throat while laughing. They were hoping I would choke on it."

Silence settles on the crew as the raven-haired swordswomen spoke, her words soft but the sky-blue hues harden, no emotion could be seen as the crew listened intently, like a mask had fallen into place. Nami, exchanging worried glances with Vivi and chopper. Worried looks that didn't go unnoticed by Sanji and resting zoro. The green haired looked like he was sleeping but the male cracked an eye listening to the female speak.

"It's only because of the type of fruit that I didn't choke and die. I had been given the Kaze Kaze fruit; I am a wind woman. The fruit deflated as I was given it, allowing me to consume its whole. Much to their displeasure."

"Displeasure?" muttered Nami, horrified at the notion, of the facts that Dawnya was admitting to without realising.

"it's to why I wear my gasmask." Dawnya stated, just thinking about It caused the phantom pains began crawling at her throat, like someone had made her swallowing nails. The pins ripping at her insides. "It helps with control. Though I don't really use these powers, I had that about 6 years now and this is the first time I have purposely used them." a hand rested on the hilt of her sword gently stoking the handle. "I much prefer my tobutori, she'd been with me longer. Though thick and thin. She keeps me grounded"

In the background zoro hummed in acknowledge, though internally noted the meaning behind her words.

"Where did you grow up Dawnya?"

"The grand line" Dawnya admitted, glancing towards Vivi the princess having asked the question.

"Where specifically? What was the island called?" Vivi probed further.

"The island is called, spartaous. It is known for its giant battle Areana's and gladiators and fighters. I was only there till the age of 12 though"

"A battle arena? Gladiators? Usgoi!" Luffy grinned, bouncing it his seat, "no wonder your strong?! What's was it like?"

Dawnya blinked at the unexpected energy, "well-"

Whatever she was going to stay was cut short at a knock sounded on the door. In the door stood a royal guard with a snail call in his hands. Apparently the okama they had meet and fought previously, claiming to be the crew's friend had taken the boat... to hide it from the marines... if what he said was true.

The notion, had decided it for the group. They would leave. Tonight.

Dawnya stayed silent, she had decided that if she didn't ask to join, they couldn't say no...

Not that the crew was going to decline the silent swordswomen. To them she was already one of them.

Only for Vivi to ask what she should do; the girl being conflicted on her discission. Stay as a princess to her country or become a pirate and join them on the free seas.

Which lead to Nami giving the girl the choice to think on it and a meeting point in a days' time.


Dawnya blinked at the sudden site of pink before her. the okama stood before them dancing about as the others got down from there rides.

"Dawnya you, okay? Not feeling any strain, are you?" the doctor rushed over to the swordswomen. She shook her head in respond. She was fine.

Being weak and admitting weakness could lead to death – that was something drilled into her from a very young age.

Chopper narrowed his eyes at the female, internally putting her in the same category as zoro. Will hide and ignore the pain. "don't push yourself too much okay" the little creature spoke turning to help Usopp while carrying things.

She hummed, turning to pick up some bags. Following zoro as the taller male loaded the ship with the heavier items. Sanji following behind filling up the kitchen as Luffy talked to the okama. Bon clay, the strange looking man explaining to Luffy why he took the ship.

She zoned out of the conversation, quicky moving bags and boxes with the others onto the ship. The crew settling into routine waiting for their time to move with the incoming marines.

Hopefully the pirates would be able to escapes the warm seas of alabasta...

To be continued...

annd second chapter of the day done and dusted! we devled a litte but more into the past of our lovely swordwomen!

tell us what you think! love you hear your comments - of course not all of her sercents and past had been reveailed. all in due time!

i try for a third one... but who knows!

love you all!

happy sailing xx

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