Chapter 3

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

She awoke with the sun, the rays of light hitting her face lightly as it began to rise in the distances. Its rays dancing on the still form of sea the ship was drifting in. She sat up taking a deep breath – soaking up the morning sun before slowly getting to her feet and stretched out her spine.

She did a few more stretches waking up her body before settling down into the seriza – her knees bent under her, heels on bum as she measured out her breathing. Feeling the sun on her skin she closed her eyes listening to the ship below.

It seems other two other people were up - one in the crow's nest who she hadn't noticed last night and one walking somewhere on the lower deck. The rest still in slumber. She could feel the slight breeze caressing her exposed skin like a lover – her dark strands of hair moving in the wind.

In the skies above the clouds slowly drifted across the dark canvas that slowly began to turn a pale blue as the sun slowly rose from the sun.

Dawnya took a deep breath before slowing letting it out - mind drifting as she began to meditate in the heat of the rising sun.


"GUYS! GUYS!" the panic shouts of chopper echoed across the deck breaking her out of her stupor. "DAWNYA GONE! She disappeared and her bed is cold!" the panicked reindeer ran across the deck.

"What?" Nami called in confused before panic ran down her spine – what if the stranger was an enemy? "where could she be?"

Dawnya, felt a downwards tug at the corner of her lips before peering over the edge of the roof. The sun having crawled higher in the sky and the smell of food wafted up to greet her.

"DAWNYA!" Luffy shouted, jumping about, "WE HAVE FOOD"

"idiot" Nami scolded slapping the back on his head, "not everyone thinks about food."

"Hello?" she called out to those on the deck below only to be ignored.

"Usopp! You were on look out last night did you see anything?"

"No... completely still" Usopp defined before turning pale, "oh god! What if she tries to kill us!"

"Guys, I'm up here" Dawnya called again just a little lounder to the panicking trio, (Chopper, Nami and Usopp)

Being ignored again, Dawnya shifted position. Sitting on the edge on the roof up, watching those on the deck below. Why were they so panicky? Her eyes following the blue haired female that stepped onto the deck, "what are you people shouting about?"

"Vivi its bad! Dawnya gone! And now she knows that there in a princess on board! What happened if she knew about your plans about crocodile!" exclaimed Nami hugging the women.

Dawnya let the words sink for a moment... Vivi was a princess? Why was she on a pirate ship? And a crocodile? Were they talking about the animal or warlord... probably warlord...? What was going on here? She wondered, her brows furrowing in confusion as she watched the chaos below.

"I would say could I help with the crocodile to pay off the debt of saving my life?" she voiced loudly.

"What!" the crewmates below snaped to attention as her voice finally reached them.

"How long have you been sat there?" usopp asked sheepishly.

"since the beginning, I did try to get you attention" she stated brows pinching together slightly. "what are your plans about crocodile? Are you killing one? Are you on about the warlord or animal?"

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