Chapter 14

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

Dawnya always wondering how she got into these interesting situations. A wannabe king holding her by the throat. With a golden hook to the stomach, and attempting to drain the moisture out of her... such a shame not all of her cards where on the table.

Shall we go back a few moments?

Herself and Vivi, had successfully managed to avoid the main battles and get themselves to the final line of soldiers. The men believing them to be civilians ushered them forward it hopes of getting them out of the city only to be shocked apron discovering the lost princess herself.

Vivi quicky headed in the palace – giving the orders that she hopes would save their kingdom. Orders that surprised all who listened. As the people are the kingdom not the building in it.

"Destroy this palace!"

Dawnya watched with interested, as soldiers hurried about – placing getting things in order as Vivi stood tall. It was strange to watch – never had she seen those in power destroy their symbol to save others.

Though those she seen were the lowest of the low, never would they think about saving a waring kingdom and its people, no they were only care about themselves. Something Vivi did not possess. Maybe there were still good in some of those in power.

The quite swordswomen followed the princess like a shadow as the bluenette and lord Chaka moved to the battlements – the soldiers going to their respected places. Bombs being placed in the building.

"I don't know what to say..." the man started, staring out to the city about them. Dawnya glanced behind the group, the hairs rasinging on her eyes. Battle insticits pulling at her nevres.

"it's all right Chaka. I understand. There was no other solution but to counter-attack the rebels. You dealt with the violence admirably for more than two years without Igaram to guide you." the princess start, while Dawnya turned her head to the side. What was causing her instincts to hum at her?

The man was quite as the princess spoke, "I'm sorry, I had to leave like I did. But it isn't over yet! Even if we succeed in putting down this rebellion as long as HE remains alive this kingdom will never know peace!" the princess declared, determination hardening her features as she watched the approaching war.

Finally, the man spoke.

"Princess Vivi, in the two years you've been away. You have grown wise as well as beautiful. When this was is over, we must..." Dawnya turned on her heel taking a few steps away as the feeling grew. Something was wrong.

Something was amiss on the winds that settled over the city.

She sniffed; blood was on the air.

She tensed hand gripping the handle, eyes darting about for the source.

"...throw a grand celebration for those pirates"


"L-lord ch-chaka!" Dawnya head snapped towards the source, darting towards the dying male.

"Huh, what is it? What happened?" lord Chaka spoke turning towards the injured male.

"TUT TUT!" a familiar voiced echoed from the roof on the building. You're playing a dangerous game, Miss Wednesday!"

Stood in his cloaked and scared glory stood crocodile. The sands drifting about the sand man on the wind. "This is my new home; you're trying to demolish!" the pirate declared.

As the man spoked, Dawnya stepped forward towards the princess, positioning her body in-between the warlord and princess. The warlord narrowed his eyes at the movement – remembering what MR.2 had stated about a member of the crew, one that matched the description of the women in front of him.

Dawnya narrowed her eyes, watching the enemy like a hawk.

She stayed at her post before the princess, even as the cowboy hat wearing women prevented the soldiers getting inside the gate – even as Vivi gasped at the sight of her father pinned against the wall with nails – even as soldiers laid down knocked out or dead, she didn't know.

"How did you get here!" Vivi screamed out, her emotions bubbling to the surface at the warlord spoke hitting a soft spot for the girl. "where's Luffy?"

"I told you he's dead" the warlord stated plainly – like it wasn't worth thinking over the man he killed. Dawnya stared blankly at the king. She didn't believe it - didn't believe that the teen captain whose gave her a bit of warmth had died soo easily.

Tobutori, her flying bird, would ever be handle by those it deemed weak...

"That's a lie!" the princess retorted. Unaware of the darkening of the swordswomen's hues. Of the deadly calm overtaking the woman's senses. "There's no way you could have defeated him!"

The warlord breathed out a puff of smoke, "that fool aside... let me make one thing clear- I have no intention of sparing you or your father... when a kingdom perishes, its royal family perishes with it. That is the natural course of things"

A threat for Vivi life.

Dawnya felt the internal calmness spread. The chilly calm spreading to the tips of her fingers as she waited for the moment to strike. "however, cobra... there's something I need to know before I take your throne" the warlord turned towards the pinned king. "Since this is what I was after all along."

"Where is the pluton?"

Dawnya eyes widen a fraction, the notion only noticed by the cowboy wearing women, miss all-Sunday.

The swordswomen had heard the pluton before – as well as two other names during her time in chains. The... the masters not caring of their talks in those deemed unworthy of their presence.

Of the slaves chained at their feet.

"you scoundrel! Where did you hear of that!?" the king panted.

Pluton, one shot can vaporize an entire island. Wipe an island from the seas, no need to make a call for thing to wipe it off the maps. She thought numbly as the pirate turning king spoke, the mans slicked back hair shinning in the sunlight.

"Name of the god of death. It was the most terrible weapon of the ancient world and it's sleeping somewhere in this kingdom."

"And sleep it shall stay" she muttered darkly, eyes flickering about the sandy courtyard.

To be continued...

...i cant believe how i forgot how much people talk... ugh...

think im gonna have to skip aload of talking or im never gonna get this story finished!

back to it!

hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter!

let us know what you think! love you all

happy sailing. xx

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