Chapter 29

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'  

The going merry burst though the layers of white fluffy clouds, the explosion of winds from the Knock-up stream sending them flying onto the new sea of whiteness. Would it hold them? Or would they fall back down to the deep blue below?

The ship lost its momentum, crashing back to the white cloudy seas below. Dawnya slowly let the winds unravel themselves from around her form, body drifting back onto the wooden decking. Black fabric rippling like water in the wind.

It was a strange sensation. Maybe she could except this curse...

"Is everyone alright?" panted zoro, eyeing the crew all but dawnya seemed to be breathing heavily, the crew lying heaving as the weight of what they just accomplished hit them like a brick. They were floating on the sea of clouds in the sky. Something completely unheard of! Sprawled on the ship breath ragged, like the crews' lungs couldn't quite get all the oxygen in. She offered a hand to the closet crewmate – robin. As the ever-cheerful Luffy grinned eyes gleeful, "hey! Hey! Look you guys!! Outside the ship!"

"Thanks" the older women muttered. "oh my.." the archologist drifted off, staring at the view surrounding the ship.

Whitness. Blinding fluffy whitness staring at them from alls angles. The crew rushed to the ships railing, sluggish limbs calling out against them as their stared at the surrounding seas with astonishment. Not that the crew noticed their protesting muscles, being too taken in with the shunning views.

"clouds.." exclamimed a gobsmacked chopper.

"on top of the clouds?! How are we sailing on clouds?" Nami wondered trying to wrap her head around the phememonon.

"of course, we can sail on top of it! They're just clouds" Luffy give the navigator a seriously look. Like it was the answer to anything.

"No that's impossible" the crew countered. It shouldn't be possible to sail on clouds. They weren't solid.

Dawnya glanced beweeten a thinking nami and a struggling usopp, the latter still lying on the ground. "In other words, this is the 'sea of the sky' but look, the log pose is still pointing up!" Nami stated showing on the log pose hanging from her wrist. the telltale needle still pointing upwards, seems more traveling on the clouds was needed.

She turned away from the sceince talk of nami, chopper and robin the group disussing the clouds and thoeires on how the sky sea was holding them up – just in time to see usuopp jump into the sea...

"Isnt underneth this sea in the sky from OUR sea..." she spoke softly the flitlers of her mask fluttered as she spoke her eyes narrowing at the sight of the cloudy sea? Water? Below the ships hull.

"thats the thought... but is there really a sea floor here?" robin contiued her statement.

"Did that idiot fall off the cloud!"

The crew yelled, running to the edge of the ship. With a combination for luffy and robins devil fruit the pair to recuse the falling pirate. As yes, he did fall though the sea and into the skies above the blue sea.

Only for a gaint sky octpulus? To follow the boy – zoro making quick work of the deflating creature.

And just when dawnya didn't think the seas could get any weirder – they were now sailing in the skies with sky fish. Fish which robin suggests came from the blue skies bottom floor only to be pushed skywards and adapted over time.

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