chapter 11

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'


The crab itself was called a crab mover. The creature easily able to carry all of the crew. The only downside, the crab was also... a giant pervert.

She shifted in her seat, she felt. Something. Something on the winds, something unnatural heading -

"Vivi!" the surprised scared screams of the straw hats snapped her to attention. Dawnya's hands latched onto the arm of the princess. She attempted to pulled the girl back towards the safely of the crab. Fate was not on her side. It a matter of moments the tug of war was concluded – Dawnya being yanked off her feet like she was only a feather in the path of resistance. It wasn't her fault she weighted basically nothing.

Blue hues widen as the pair became weightless – both being dragged by the golden hook on the trail of sand.

She felt a rubber arm wrap around her waist pulling her backwards towards the crab – Luffy hooking his arm around the hook after throwing before herself and Vivi back towards the moving creature. Blue hues locked onto the determine dark one of the captains.

The teen gritting his teeth before shouting out, "go one without me! I can handle this!"

The pair crashed into the awaiting arms of zoro and Sanji - in a tangle of limbs as Luffy was pulled away – the crew shouting warning while a determined Luffy gave his orders as captain. "Take care of Vivi! Make sure she gets to Alubarna!"

The tense atosmphere settle on the crew – just because the captain had ordered they leave it didn't mean that they liked it. That much dawnya could tell. Zoro turned towards the girl, "you literaly weight nothing don't you, how onearth do you easily shoulder a heavy sword?"

"I am very light I know..." Dawnya glanced towards the male, before caressing her pommel of the blade, "tobutori is fickle, heavy to those she doesn't believe has the will to wield her, like her name she's swift as a flying bird but strength..." she words drifted off. "Though I can easily wield my blade, lifting weights is not my ideal test"

"Hmm, we will have to spar when we have sorted this out." zoro settled back into a comfortable position his face turned towards the kneeling girl. He'd seen his old masters sit in the position the girl was in – he had tried at some point but after a while the painful numbness got to his legs. (He did have respect for the girl doing it all the time but he would never admit it) "it be interesting to see who'd win"

"I haven't lost a battle in a long time" a Sparke flittered in her eyes at the challenge. The swordsman smirked in response, eyeing at her from the corner of his eye as he stared forward into the endless sand dune of the dessert.

The rest of the journey over the sands was silent par the occasional mumbling of a crew mate quickly chatting – it helps the calm the nerves. Dawnya sat silently the suns heat raining down on her, she closed her closes listening to the shifting sands, signal gains moving in the slow winds.

If it wasn't for the echos on war and battles being carried on the winds – it would have been peaceful. A perfect place to meditate.

Shame it wouldn't last.

The silent mumbling grew louder as usopp voice grew stronger until the retelling of his tails of why crabs sidesway... grunts could be heard from the green hair male as he balanced the relaxing camel on the edges of his sword. Lifting it with ease.

The action itself making her impressed and excited towards their battle. Not that the half-exposed face could show it.

She quietly listened to Nami talking to Sanji, the male smoking calmy while his words pissed of the training swordman. She could feel her lips twitch upwards, seems eyes crinkled into half-moons from watching the pair interact.

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