chapter 17

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Fate Whispered to the warrior 'You cannot withstand the storm' and the warrior whispers back 'I am the storm'

The dark-haired swordswomen, looked at the strange rag tag group of pirates.

The plan to get Vivi up to the top of the tower to stop the bomb was a strange one. So strange it might actually work.

With both Sanji and zoro on different levels of the clock tower, the plan was to throw Vivi up, level to level. And hopefully avoiding the two-baroque works members, Mr 7 and miss Father's Day as they did so. it was Vivi on top of chopper on top of usopp, to get a gush of wind from Nami.

A gust of wind...

She sat on the ground, taking off her trusty mask – the wind always seems to appeared when the mask was off. That was certain. She didn't have time to trail and fail she needed it to work now.

"Dawnya what are you doing?!" Nami yelled in confusion. Noting the girls' positions and lack of mask.

"Continued doing what you're doing... I give you a boost" she spoke eyes closed. Hands open, palms up before her, as she focused on the winds around them. The winds tugging on at the back of her mind.

"Weather is typhoon!" Nami exclaimed holding the pieces of her metal rod together. "Cyclone tempo!" the pieces few towards usopp, just as the wind began to pick up around them.

The rod hit usopp, a gust of wind exploding from the rod. "Yes!" Nami exclaimed, "we di-huh?!" the ginger haired yelled in surprised turning towards the dark haired swordmen, eyes only to widen in surprise at the sight.

Dawnya, hair whipped around her form, in a violent wind. A strong gust that seems to be rushing towards the group of three flying into the air pushing, guiding them higher and faster than with just Nami's rod of fake wind. But it wasn't that, that really took the girl by surprise no it was the fact parts of the women's body appeared to be vanishing into wind only to reappear.

"Devil fruit?!" Nami muttered, in surprised but it all clicked into place. The fact that stranger they picked up had a devil fruit made a lot of sense.

Not being able to swim, that strange gust that randomly appear. Being abnormally light, being completely find after jumping from high places. Not being affected by temperature.

She never did say she eat a fruit... but nor did she deny it.

Nami snapped her attention back towards the plan at hand. Questions needed to be asked later. The navigator didn't know much about the girl's wind power, they may be a limit... "Sanji, you know what to do next!"

"I can guess... just have to try" the blonde muttered, jumping from the window ledge, that for most would mean sudden death.

Chopper jumped from usopp, onto the chef's right foot. The blonde kicking the now pair upwards, the pair shotting up like a bullet. The wind giving a guiding hand buffering them upwards.

"Dawnya? Can you catch them as they land?" Nami questioned watching the fall of a heavily injured usopp and Sanji.

"I-huff – can try-huff-" she panted out, feeling the winds once again try and pull her it all directions, the air literally being sucked out of her lungs. Teasing and tickling all sides as she twisted her hands, palms now facing each other. A ball of wind growing between them. It growing larger, before shifting in the ever-faltering winds.

Nami glanced worryingly at the quite swordswomen, noting more limbs seem to be vanishing into air before reappearing, the sweat dripping down her brows.

Dawnya took a deep breath in before exhaling, sky blues hues opening. Clear skies shone in her hues, as she counteracted on the falling men. The ball suddenly explaining. Enclosing the girls on the ground in wind, ready to catch those falling.

Nami let out a breath of relief as usopp was caught by the winds – it didn't stop the descent but certainly slowed down his fall. The male landing like a leaf on the ground.


Dawnya couldn't help as the group screamed, and yelled the baroque works members having looked down and noticing their presence.

Only 7 secs left on the bomb's timer.

Zoro using the back edge of the blades flung the pair once again higher into the air.

5 seconds, the bullets from the Mr 7 and miss Father's Day, hit the falling Zoro straight on. Adding another injury to his bleeding torso.

4 seconds, the enemy couple shot at a larger human like chopper, only to be foiled by the reindeer turning small, the bullets flying overhead. The princess nowhere to be seen.

3 seconds, Vivi was flying it hot above the targets. The princess determined as she felt the winds pushing her towards the entrance of the tower, towards the bomb. Her weapon at the ready. "Peacocks blooming ring chain!"

2 seconds, a surprised Sanji, caught and slowed by the wind, landed on the ground. Vivi focusing on the baroque works; trusting the winds to guide her home, trusting the crew below. The chains stuck true, hitting them with a second attack that both ignorant to the second incoming attack.

1 seconds.








"Did it stop?" usopp muttered still staring up at the tower.

The last person, came flying down towards the ground. Well, the last she was going to catch. Dawnya eyes followed the bloodied body of zoro descend into the balls of wind. The wind catches and slowing down the fall.

The male still made a pumf sound as he landed but it could have been a lot worse.

"Phew Haha!" Zoro chuckled, lying flat on the floor.

"What? You are still alive?" Sanji glanced towards his rival with a frown.

Dawnya finally let out a breath, the winds around them dropping to its normal breeze. Noting that chopper has already landed on a disgruntled marine. The poor creature scurrying over to them – as the group looked upwards in hope.

"here" zoro muttered, pasting her the black gas mask as the battered swordman sat upright.

"Thanks" she replaced it, the mask giving the contracted she needed to keep grounded in the Choas, the winds dying back to their natural push and pulls. She felts the winds retract to their natural states. The whispers still echoing but no longer trying to pull her apart.

"What happened?" chopper question turning towards the tower.

"There is no sound coming from up there" zoro answered the doctor's question.

"Vivi still hasn't showed herself. Nami muttered worry lingering her voice.

"NO!" a familiar voice cried with anguish.

"Vivi!" the crew called in worried.

"This is a timed bomb!" the princess called from the top of the tower. "It will explode at any time if it's not disassembled"

Shock and ice-cold dread entered the veins of the pirate crew standing below.

What were they going to do now?

"Anyone knows how to disarm a bomb?" she asked, once her breathing was back under control.

to be continued...

and another chapter done and dusted!

tring to get back to writing more and more! maybe i set it as a new years target! completele some more stories! i have soo many ideas and those in the works i really need to start getting them out of my head!


hope you enjoy this chapter!

let you know what you think!

love you all.

happy sailing!

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