Chapter 2

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I was lying down, his sudden appearance after almost six months made me shocked and gave me pain as if someone scratched the sensitive wound. Whatever happened was carved in my heart forever, something that will always torment me. 


I woke up hearing someone's sob, a sudden panic inflicted in my body, I reached to the source of the noise and it was Vegas, he was trying his best to not to make a sound but when I saw him his all refrains went away as he quickly hugged me tightly, I was wide awake and in confusion.

"Vegas! What happened? Why are you crying like that?"

"He....He is gone."

"Who is gone and where?"

"Uncle Korn, their was a blast at the hotel."

The sudden realization  made me freeze for a while, the news of death is always traumatic for me, I tried to comfort him and then went along with him to the main house where the funeral was taking place. Kinn was looking so lost but Porsche was by his side, his arms never leaving him, Tankhun was crying continuously and Kim was consoling him, although his eyes himself shows even if he was quiet. I haven't seen him too many times but I know how much important was he for all of these guys. The past memories of my grandmother's funeral made me cry too, I am well aware of the loss Vegas and these brothers are feeling.

When he head back home, he was silent, he hadn't eaten anything the whole day and was making me more sad and agitated to see him like this. I took some porridge for him and sat by his side. He leaned his head on my shoulder.

"He was the person who made me this much capable and strong, if not for him I would have died a long time ago. He was like a father figure to me, and I have lost him too..."

" You still have me, and I promise I won't leave you, ever."

" It was an attack Pete and we couldn't protect him."

"Its not your fault Vegas, don't blame yourself." I cupped his face and wiped his tears, never had I thought to see him this broken.

"Tankhun was drunk so KinnPorsche both carried him to car together and  that's when the blast happened."

"What about others? Arm and Pol?" Vegas was silent and it was giving some scary answers to me.

"What about them Vegas? Tell me."

"We couldn't find them,  neither their dead bodies nor alive, something weird had happened, the cameras went off for a while when they went to restroom and then their is no sign."

The cold chills went all over me, and for a while I couldn't think what is happening? 

"Vegas, what are we gonna do now? How are we going to find them?"

We both were alone, the scars we got were different but the pain of losing someone was something we both were going through, things got harder for them as his uncle's death lead to withdrawal of so many trusted clients and the investors were backing out, and they were about to go bankrupt, they were working their asses off to try to keep them and add new but barely luck was on their side.

I was getting into depression, I literally had no one to share myself, Vegas and Porsche both along with Kinn were barely sleeping and always working, even when he comes home the tired look and hopelessness made me quiet and be a comfort to him. The thoughts of worst being happened to Arm and Pol as 2 months passed like that but no news of their was ever heard by anyone. The only possibility always gives me despair that because of me they lost their lives. Being alone, guilt and sadness everywhere was choking me up, I can't lean on Vegas as he was having too much on his plate too. That's when things started going wrong.

To be continued.....

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