Chapter 29

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The slowly sailing wind blew the white curtains across the room, a peaceful silence surrounding, I was ready, infact I have checked out myself for the 4th time, I was nervous, very nervous that I have to take calming pills, this is supposed to be the happiest moment of my life but why am I so nervous, as the commitment is gonna be forever, and the responsibilities along with it are also not ordinary, Vegas is in a dangerous profession, and I was public figure, indeed a very contrasting pair, but what can one do when love fills the voids.

"Pete, how many times are you gonna do the same thing?" Arm said, he is by my side today, Arm and Pol are representing my family today, and Arm is going to walk me on the aisle, I teared up when he said it to me that day, indeed they were my family.  Kinn and Porsche along with the other were on Vegas's side, Tankhun caused a  whole chaos as he wanted to be on my side, but Vegas just rejected and didn't let him. 

"I am just nervous."

"I was too." Porsche said, standing by the gate of the  room, he was looking so fine in the black suit, and as of the question, he had already did it before, I mean the wedding.

" Just be confident, you know how to fight  the stage fear. And you are looking so handsome, I am sure everyone will be jealous of Vegas today." I hugged him and he pat my shoulder, a little courage building up in me.

"You better think twice, their is still time, if you wanna run away I can help you." Tankhun said while walking with his shoes clacking on the floor. 

"Phi, someone was looking for you, what was his name??....Dr. Top I think." Porsche said looking serious as hell while I know he was joking as Dr. Top was Tankhun's crush while the doctor kept running away whenever he sees him.

"I should meet him then, he doesn't come to meet me often.." Tankhun retracted the path as he came.

"Lets go Mr. groom." Arm extended his hand towards me and I held onto him, we walked slowly outside, with everyone's eyes fixed on me, but then I looked at Vegas, he was looking so surreal in the black suit with a bow and so gentle like never before. 

We walked on the aisle, with each step increasing my heartbeat, Arm handed over my hand to Vegas, who held it like its the most gentle thing on earth. We stood in front of each other, our eyes just saying so many things but everything was inaudible to anyone.

"The auspicious day, on this day we remember those who are dearest to the couple but not here with us anymore,  the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kant Theerapanykul , his brother Master Macau Theerapanykul,  and Dearest uncle Korn Theerapanyakul, are the close ones of the groom, and Mrs. Pleu Saengtham, the grandmother of the second groom and Yul Thanapob, the brother like friend of the second groom. We all remember you and your absence is greatly felt, hope they bless the couple for a happy life ahead." The Priest made  the mention of the late family members which made all of us dip in silence, indeed it felt empty without them, my grandma and especially Yul would have been so happy if they were here.

"Mr. Vegas Theerapanykul hereby reads his wedding vows.." The priest announced after which Vegas took my hands and went on his knees, my heart was beating so fast, and it felt like the time  stopped for me.

"The day I had been waiting for all my life, the day when I am finally going to make the man I love the most mine, forever. I had lost everyone I loved and the few people left here, among which you are the one I dared to love the most, I hereby vow to protect you and love you for the rest of our lives until we grow old together, and the only thing that I ever wished for is to be with you until my last breath and even die in your arms, that is all I want." 

A single tear drop fell from my eyes, I recomposed as it was so beautiful to see him this happy, what could I ever wish for.

"Mr. Pete Saengthan hereby read his wedding vows..."

"You have always been so bold about showing your love, but its my first time saying it out aloud, we are here after facing and losing so many things, such that I have blind trust on this person standing right in front of me, every time I see him happy my world ligths up on its own, he is the reason I smile everyday, I laugh everyday, I hereby vow to love you and only you the most someone has ever done, to care for you and give you every happiness that exist in the world."

Vegas was smiling, his eyes were a bit teary, and then I heard a loud whimper, my attention went to the sitting area around aisle, everyone was crying, except Kinn, Porsche was wiping his tears and Khun was loud even when he is emotional. The priest continued by dictating the wedding rituals and the prayers.

" Vegas Theerapanyakul, did you accept Pete Saengtham as your wife for the rest of your lives infront of the almighty?"

"I do." 

"Pete Saengtham, did you accept Vegas Theerapanyakul as your husband for the rest of your life?"

"I do."

"I declare Vegas and Pete as officially married, exchange the rings please."

Two little kids came along with the rings, they are Sam and Cia, the twins which Kinn and Porsche adopted, Sam gave the ring to Vegas, who held my hand and slid the ring in my ring finger. The ring was shining along with the promise we made to each other today.

I took the ring from Sia and took Vegas's hand, I was so nervous that my hands were a bit shaking but I managed somehow and gave him the ring. He held my hands gently and we kissed, completing all our wedding rituals. The claps and hoots were heard soon as the people were congratulating, we held our hands and walked down the aisle together.

" Its the most exciting part for me." Khun chuckled as I was about to throw the wedding bouquet, I threw it in the air and the bouquet flew and landed in Pol's hands, it was something not that much unexpected, while Khun, who got a bit upset, I threw one more for him and he managed to catch it. 

The pictures taken and we all headed to the dinner, Vegas hands were intertwined with mine, not even for a second he left them since we were declared married, and as we cut the cake, and the guests got busy in the buffet, he held me closer and we kissed again, for the first time in my life I wasn't afraid of the people seeing us around, as he was officially mine now, my husband.

" I love you, my wife..." Vegas said with the most sweetest tone, and I was just giggling and blushing at the new find happiness.

Note: The last chapter of this series will be updated tomorrow, I have to finish it and the new book will be up after a few days of ending of this novel, I hope you enjoyed it. With lots of love, your author.

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