Good News

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Its been almost 6 months since we got married, life has been somewhat different but most of it is same except that Vegas abuses his authority as a husband, he doesn't leave any chance to get in my pants, to the point it has been annoying me, and if I refuse either he doesn't listen or give me the most irresistible puppy eyes that it's almost impossible to say a damn and simple NO. You think I am exaggerating? We had a honeymoon of two months, for Vegas it meant fucking me for hours everyday and night is compulsion for him. It felt like I was not tired of travelling but being rammed everyday.
We had to come back when I gave him the final threat to leave the hotel and come back alone. Work has been great ever since, my fans are happy that I got married but most of them had their hearts broken but still they supported me, and even some people talk shit but after some time an apology is issued by each one of them, I was confused like why? But then I found out from Porsche that Vegas got their damn ass threatened and some even beaten for saying things to me, I was happy too as their is someone who stands up for me but it's scary what he might do to others.
I woke up today, Vegas was still in bed, and I rushed to throw up, he stood up and looked at me with a worried look.

"Are you okay? "

"I am not."

"I am calling the doctor, it's been three days since I am watching you unwell. "

"It's okay, I went to the hospital yesterday with Noi, my reports might arrive this morning, we can go in the noon. "

"Come here babe. " I walked to him and sat next to him, he caressed my back and I put my head on his shoulder.

"My baby is so delicate, I think I should replan everything around you so you don't fall ill. "

"I am a well grown adult Vegas. " He started at me and I know the reason, he doesn't like it when I call him anything else than hubby or love.

"I am forgiving you as you are not well today. "

"Otherwise what? " I also know the answer but it's fun to tease.

" You would have been screwed again in the morning. "

"Shut up sex maniac."

" But only for you, you seem to drive me crazy the moment I look at your perfect bubble ass, It gives me shivers, and those  innocent eyes and vulgar mouth is so sexy that sometimes I feel like I saved a country in my last life. "
I got goosebumps as he whispered it in my ears, placing kisses over my cheeks.

"I must leave or..... " He went for a shower and I kept staring, but another nauseatic feeling and I went to throw up,  he tapped my back and helped me back to the bed.

Vegas sent Noi to get the reports and J was still resting, I was hating the smell of any food, even my lifelong everlasting love, curry too is getting me hiccups. Vegas came in with the envelope, and he opened them instead of showing it to me,  he is The Husband, of course he is gonna read.
But as he read it, his face became shocked to serious to suddenly fallng tears, he was crying.

"VEGAS... What happened? "

"Say something you are scaring me. "

" Am I gonna die or something? "

"Dad.... " Vegas murmured.

" Give it to me. "

" I am going to be a dad. " He hugged me tightly but his words were what I was focused on.

I took the reports in my hand and read it all, I was a bit in state of complete blankness. I was pregnant....

Tears of happiness and joy brimmed on my cheeks, as if the last key of our family being complete is finally added. I hugged Vegas while I cried more then him, the embrace and warmth was been shared by the three of us.

"I love you Pete and you too Junior." He rubbed his palm over my belly, I was also very new to all this, knowing that a life is growing inside me is itself  whole new feeling that is weird but comforting.

Note: Hey everyone, well it's a needed one, I want Vegas to be an awesome dad who is the safe place for Pete and junior Vegas, he is absolutely gonna love him child. And I wrote it as now I am in a new unknown city, I even lost my way and kept roaming in here because google maps fucked up the way, and I do miss my dad a lot, so this one is for a person you call your safe place, remember to love them, we have to give all and take all, life is too short.

And from now on as I will be busy so I will upload accurately every third day, so hope I didn't disappoint you, and I missed you all so I wrote this as soon as I got time.

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