Chapter 21

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Note: Sexual content ahead.

Vegas's Birthday Special...( According to the novel, Vegas's birthday is on Christmas, but its a long time since then so I am changing the dates.) 

"So what have you decided about it?" Porsche inquired, sipping on his drink while shaking the ice.

" I am hell of confused, I want it to be special, but something different."

" You should know it by now, it will be almost two years  since you know each other, but the year in between was excluded so that mean you haven't celebrated even once?"

" Exactly, I am very anxious about it, help me out in this, you have known him for many years, what do you think I should give or prepare?"

" Well as far as I know Vegas, you should wrap yourself in gift paper and he will be the happiest and most satisfied by that only. I mean in unwrapping his gift..." Porsche looked so serious that for a while I even considered that, it will indeed be perfect for someone like Vegas.

"I know but something else, more special... What did you gift Kinn on his first celebration with you?"

" Me? lemme think.... I accepted his proposal on that day, he was indeed the happiest."

"That's sweet. But I have to think about something else..." I took my cola and then my attention shifted to Porsche, the tattoo that he has on his shoulder, of Phoenix, was clearly visible through the tank top, it got me an idea.

"I decided!!" I shouted and Porsche was stupefied, he coughed and then faced me.

"What did you decide?"

"A tattoo, I am getting a tattoo of Vegas's name."

"That's a fantastic idea, but its highly risky as you won't be able to hide it from him, its only four days for his birthday and if you get it tomorrow, it will be revealed before that, you know what I mean."

"Leave that to me, I will handle him, but you have to help me out. Tell me about it and a place you recommend."

" That's easy, I have a friend who is a tattoo artist and I got it from there, and the design and body part will be decided there, but one thing, it will hurt a lot, and for some days, it will itch but it would be worth it."

" I can suffer that much for him anyways. Lets go right now, I need to get the design final and an appointment done, as Vegas is out too."

"Excited enough?"

"A lot."

Porsche called his friend such that we don't have to take an appointment, she agreed and we went straight to the place, the artist was very soft spoken person and her design's were indeed impressive.

"Do you want the initials or the whole name?"

"Whole name, its only five letters anyways."

"That will be enough for a pain that last a week, are you allergic to inks or any other chemicals?"

"No, I haven't tried any before."

"Cool, and where do you wanna have it?"

"I am confused about that, where do you prefer?"

" If its someone  who is an endgame, in that case I will prefer wrist or chest, on the left side, near your heart."

" On chest sounds better. It will be easier to hide."

"Not for you Pete." Porsche chuckled and it made me realize its gonna be tough hiding it, he is indeed a sex addict, I mean its almost everyday or if not for complete, we see each other nude anyways, while showering together two times a day and sleeping bare too.

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