Chapter 16

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"Pete, what is all this happening?" Ken said, he was terrified as the way he was tied, looking around he tried to grasp the situation.

"Ken, actually..."

"It's over now, show me your actual colour, I am tired of this drama." Vegas's grasp on my hand became firmer, the frown on his face made me quiet and I just let him take over the situation.

"What do you even mean by that, huh?"

"Sean, you are with him, right?" Kinn came forward, passing by Ken and standing infront of him.


"How can you even forget your own boyfriend? I know he is not that handsome and a bit useless now but still, atleast admit that." The sarcasm in Vegas's tone was directing towards his depleting patience.

"He..He is dead, long ago." Ken stuttered and his gaze towards the floor.

"You never told me that Ken." I asked, a bit offended.

"But is it necessary to tell everyone that my ex-boyfriend was killed?"

"But he isn't dead, and you know that better more than anyone else." Kinn scoffed.

"I told you before and even now, that he is dead and even if he was alive, I am not related to him anymore."

Vegas moved towards him but I held him back and, in a glance, he stood there, I went to Ken and kneeled down such that I was looking directly at him.

"Ken, I am really apologetic for whatever is going on here but if you knew anything about him just tell me, please, they won't let you go until they get what they want."

"Pete, if you had ever considered me, even for once, your friend, you would never have let this all happen, and what hurts even more is you are also not believing me, when I told you that I don't know anything about him, he went missing almost 2 years ago and after sometime the news of his death was the only thing I heard, followed by his father's demise."

"I am giving you some time to rethink about everything and calculating pros and cons of whatever decision you want to make, and one thing more, I am not a patient person, just because you save my fiancée's life once, I am being gentle on you. Pete, come on." Vegas announced.

I stood there, my gaze never leaving Ken who was making me feel guilty of doing this to him when he has always helped me in every situation, it pains in my heart, I wasn't ready to leave him with them, because I don't even know what they might be doing to him.

"PETE." His raised voice shifted my attention to Vegas who grabbed my arm, and took me out of the room, straight to the car.

"Give special attention to him and then check if the fish got in the trap or not." He talked to Kinn for a while and hoped inside, I was just watching him carefully. The engine started and in a jolt he raced the car towards home.

"You seem really attached to him, what is he to you?"

"A close friend."

"Huh." He scoffed but his gaze still on the road, although we have spent so much time together but sometimes, he becomes so hard to understand.

"Got something to say?" I didn't even look at him, I had a lot on my mind to think about and on top of it I was angry, yes on him, so it was better to be quiet than argue to him who himself is not in the state to listen anything else.

"I thought we had a lot to talk, privately." Vegas said, his tone without any emotion, I peeked a glance at him but he still was focused on driving.

We reached home and I got off the car first, and went inside without looking back, I rushed to the bedroom and went for a shower, I need to relax my mind first, things never resolve on their own, neither by fighting only by co-operation if its someone like Vegas, even the calmest person on the earth will pull their hair out, but as I love this man so I have to be.

When I came out, he was in the room, royally sitting on the couch with his feet over the table, and the damn laptop on his lap, whatever ideology I had kept in my mind to talk to him evaporated and I went to the kitchen and had two bowls of ice cream to calm myself down, I lied on the sofa and didn't realise when I slept there.

When I wake up, it was almost dark, he was still in the bedroom, talking to someone, I tiptoed and went upstairs, crawling on the ground, I entered inside only to find him infront of me, he saw me coming like that, oh that was really embarrassing when I want to show that I don't give a fuck.

Engulfing all the shame, I stood up and dusted my clothes, and went to lie down on the bed.

"I will call you later." He cut the call and carried me up.

"Wait wha-"

He sat on the couch with me on his lap, I tried to get up but his one hand held both my wrists and other holding both my legs, after a few minutes of struggling, I stopped and glared at him but he was looking serious, I stilled down and give in.

"What's wrong with you today? Why are you acting so weird and grumpy?" I didn't said anything, if he still thinks that what I was doing was me being weird than reasonable then I am not even talking.

"Pete, stop this and talk to me, I was waiting for you to calm down but you are clearly in no mood to have a decent talk."

"And sitting down with a laptop is a really decent way, right?"

"Stop being angry is all I am saying, I am all ears to you if you talk politely."

"Why the hell will I?"

"Pete, what has happened that you got so worked up?"

"Are you even serious right now? Ken is kidnapped by his own friend's fiancée and even when he is denying you are locking him up tied like that when all his fault is that he is Sean's boyfriend?"

"We haven't touched him yet, okay?"

"Oh Jesus, why are you so insensitive? Imagine if I kidnap Porsche one day just because he is Kinn's husband, and locking him up like that, will that be okay to you?"

"Never, why will you do that by the way?"

"It's an example, similarly keep yourself in my position and think, will you be okay?"

"Pete, give me some more time, I will prove many things to you, just be patient for a while, its all I am asking and first of all I was trying to keep you away from all this, as I know how you will react."

I looked away, although I was thinking about giving him some time but accepting it is still feeling down to myself and on top of everything, he said I am reckless before, even if its true, I was damn offended.

He cupped my face and made me forcefully look at him, he pecked me once, twice, thrice and multiple times until I said yes.

"My just became a feisty child over something we can talk like this, but I sometime think that you also like being like that, didn't you?"

"Who even wants to be like that." I rolled my eyes and tried really hard not to smile.

"What now? What are you still mad on?"

"You forgot? You said I was a reckless impulsive dumb person who didn't think even once before doing something."

"Baby I just said that you take rashless decisions, you are the smartest person for me on the earth as you chose me." He smiled goofily, ruffling through my hairs and I was in lack of words.

"Well about that thing, I agree I was too reckless to chose you."

He frowned and started tickling me, I jolted up and fell down, he was still tickling me mercilessly that I was almost wheezing.


"Take that back."




"I LOVE YOU TOO BABE, MORE THAN ANYONE HAD EVER DONE." He stopped and carried me up, hugging me tightly, I was literally so down for him, oh gosh, what am I even gonna do now.

Note: I was blushing hard even while writing, just imagine having someone like this, This showed their character development that how Vegas was being patient and responsive for Pete and Pete too being a bit more vocal for his issues now. If you like it please vote for it and tell me what you feel about it.

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