Chapter 7

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Its almost an year since I broke up with Vegas, in this while I shifted to the company's dorm for a span of months such that Vegas doesn't trouble me, I kept hiding from him but he finds way to try to come to me, but I always had security with me so he wasn't successful in whatever he was doing. I was having a hard time struggling with myself so I dedicated myself to my work, whenever I missed him I started writing my songs and kept myself busy all day, getting in shape and learning choreos, I had a comeback after almost an year since the last time and it was going very good for me, people supported me and it was feeling as if I had a bad dream and I woke up in my world back. Their was still no sign of Arm and Pol, I kept searching for them but it was as if they disappeared in thin air.

In this year I realised so many things about how toxic Vegas was, no matter I loved him but it was more important for me to love myself and that's why it was necessary to separate, I met Porsche a few times because anyone related to him, I don't wanna even see. Ken has been a good friend to me and helped me a lot in improving myself.

I got a new home a few weeks ago and I welcomed it with my cat, Coco, we both were having our good time until I saw Vegas today, he was the reason of me being a mess, I was still so affected that even an encounter seems like it was yesterday all this happened. I had to be stronger, I can't let my guard down, no matter what.

The next morning was peaceful like another ones, I was having my coffee and was getting ready to go the gym, then my phone rang up all of a sudden, It was Ken.

"Hey, dude care to call back? I was literally worried that you hit your head in the bathroom."

" What's up? Calling in the morning?"

" I had a super news for you, and an invitation."

"I decline, parties are not my deal buddy."

"Listen first, our hotel is celebrating its 25th year and you are invited as a guest of honor today."

"Congrats man, nice thing to hear but I am too busy to attend, you can't just tell me on the day of event, I had schedule to follow."

"I don't want any excuse, you have to, its done deal, and I am not listening anything else."

"Okay, I will try."

"That's like a good friend, ok I gotta go."

I called Kia and freed up my schedule for evening, I will go early and leave early, best solution. The day went past like sand in fist and I dressed up for evening. The hotel wasn't faraway from where I live so it took me half an hour to reach, it was all well decorated, everything seemed so elegant there.

 The hotel wasn't faraway from where I live so it  took me half an hour to reach, it was all well decorated, everything seemed so elegant there

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Ken was there meeting his guests and as soon as he saw me, a big friendly smile spread on his face, I greeted his father and went with him.

" Hey you are gonna steal the limelight of the party mean, I think many people are gonna get lose control here."

"Shut up, I will be going in 2 hours so just deal with it."

"I am going so meet up with someone interesting and have a good time."

"Where are you going? It will be weird if I will be alone."

"I got you a company by the way, I invited..."


"Bible Wichapas."

" WTF, are you crazy, you invited him for me? I am not gonna face him now."

"Don't worry, he is one of our ambassadors so he is here already, and I told him you will be coming and you know what he said?"


"He is happy that you will be here."

"Hehehe, now stop joking before your dad kicks your ass up, GO WORK."

" See you soon hottie..."

He left and I was left alone in this whole hall filled with so many people, it doesn't scare me anymore, being alone in crowd, its better than being alone with your own people.

" Hey Pete, long time no see." I turned and saw Bible, dressed very elegantly. I was fearing to be overdressed but after watching him it feels okay. I was a bit awkward as its been years since we worked together.

"Hi, nice to see you here."

We remained awkward for a while and ultimately Ken joined up to stirr, he was definitely up for setting me up with him, but Bible is not my type and way out of my league.

It was getting busier, people were coming as it was getting late and that was a sign for me to leave, Bible see me off to the entrance and after meeting Ken I left the party, but I was confused where I parked my car, it was so quiet and cold here as compared to inside.

I reached my car but I stood there stunned, Vegas standing in front of my car and he was seeming so different.

"Having a nice time after ditching me up, now you are ready to move on, huh? That easily."

" That's nothing related to you, move from my way."

"Do you think I will let you go to someone else when I am wrecked completely since you left me."

"Stop it Vegas, I am sick of all this, go and get a life and let me live mine."

"Their is no life for me Pete, without you, just come back to me, I promise I will be better to you, and I have something to tell you too."

"I don't wanna hear anything from you, move or I will call the security."

"So you won't listen to me?"

I stood there stunned, but soon some people came there and he knew I was not gonna be quiet so he left without any word, after checking that he won't be following me I drove fast back to my house, and just locked everything up, my heart was pounding so fast. I searched for Coco, I kept calling her but all I could hear was faint sound of her.


"He is really cute, just like you..."

Note: Well all I can say, their is no kidnapping, no violence and no forced stuff ahead, now I want you to think what the hell is gonna happen then?😅😅 Like it and comment if you did

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Note: Well all I can say, their is no kidnapping, no violence and no forced stuff ahead, now I want you to think what the hell is gonna happen then?😅😅 Like it and comment if you did.

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