A Family

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A month passed of what felt like ages, Pete has been on bed rest for the whole month, he is trying his best for protecting the baby, just like a perfect father, I on the other side can't do anything but stay with him, it really pains me deep inside that how my child and my wife are struggling together, it's hard to lay down the whole day and he has been strong since then, the delivery is gonna be normal, and the due date is today, we were all very stressed.

Porsche has been literally living in the hospital since Pete is here, he supports me and tries to motivate Pete, Kinn is handling the work as both of us are here, Khun and ArmPol keep the atmosphere light whenever they come, if not for them, it would have been very hard for me to see him in pain, struggling everyday.

They stopped giving the medicine since last three days and today might be the d-day,  I have been waiting for it since then, to end all our sufferings and welcome my baby, our baby.

He was asked to finally walk around, his belly has grown full size and being laid for so many weeks he was struggling to walk, my heart ached when I saw him like this.

The time flew and I was by his side, he was feeling g slight pain, and he whimpered, I called the doctor and his wincies grew louder, I was allowed inside and they were preparing for it, I held his hand tightly as he was not even been able to breathe properly.

"Do something, he is in pain.. "

"Be calm Mr. Vegas, it's an OT. "

How was I supposed to stay calm when I have never let even the tiniest thing to hurt him, they began the procedure and he was screaming, I want to walk out of there, it was unbearable but I can't leave him alone there.

His grip grew tighter and the doctors were calmer than ice.

"You are holding well Mr. Pete, try to push, your baby is waiting to see the world. "

He was trying the best he could.. I was rubbing his palm to relax him and just help.

"You are doin' good honey just few more minutes. "

And a cry of a newborn filled the room, I pecked Pete chastily, his eyes we're closing.

"Don't let him sleep... " The doctor said.

I patted on his cheeks gently and he was being half in senses.

"It's a baby boy..." The nurse handed me the newborn who was now quieter, his eyes we're closed and he was the size of my palm, this little thing has been the center of our world since the day we know he exists.

"Welcome junior... " I kissed his forhead...

"Vegas... You are crying... "

" What?... No it's just... " I can't explain the feelings in me, it was something I have never felt, someone who shares my blood, my family, my son, it's complete.

I gave him to Pete, he took the baby and he too got emotional, all of our struggles Succeeded.

" He looks just like you Vegas...His eyes and nose are copy paste of yours. "

" But his cheeks are just like you... "

The nurse took the baby for a bath and Pete got rest of the treatment, he has to stay here for week... But I was so eager to take the baby and him to our home.

Kinn and Porsche came and adored the baby, Porsche met Pete and he too was in tears, Khun, who was quietest among all, burst in tears as he saw the baby, he hugged me, for the first time and I too was not trying to hold back my own streams of tears.

"Congratulations on being a father, hope you will be a nice dad just like your father" Kinn gave me a quick bro hug and it reminded me of Uncle korn.

"Uncle Korn would have said the same. "

Every one was happy for the new member who was brought back, as Pete was sleeping I took the baby and he was so peacefully sleeping, I can see my own reflection in him.

But I want him to have Pete's heart, and his values along with my Dad's. The Theerapanyakul Mansion was being decorated for the arrival of him, and a new chapter of our lives started.

Note: What is the happiest moment you had in your life? I just wanna know...

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