Chapter 18

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I was lost, so lost that the approaching footsteps didn't caught my attention, the hands on my shoulder caught my attention, I looked up  only to find Vegas staring at me, his face giving a slight hint of tiredness and a bit of softness which appears only for me, he makes me question myself again. It would hurt him bad if I do something stupid again.

"Let's go home." 

He whispered in my ear, something that spread warmth all over my cold skin, I took his hand and followed his lead, no matter whose eyes laid on us, I was just gazing at his fingers locked with mine. He opened the door for me and covered my head with his hand while hoping on the seat. After getting in himself, he holds my hand again, their was a peaceful silence among us.

If even the silence feels comfortable with someone, its indeed one of the purest thing you have.

I was so damn confused inside, we headed in, had our dinner in same silence, I didn't have any appetite today, but still I don't want him to worry. After showering together we went to bed, he was holding me close to his chest, and that moment, when I could hear his heartbeats, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Tears streamed out, whatever I had faced, whatever he has to go through, and all of the things happened to us, Yul's death, Vegas's hurtful past, his uncle's death and Arm and Pol's disappearance, everything.

"Pete". He said in a worrying tone but not more than a whisper.

 A sniffle escaped  my mouth, I was quiet until now but it was hard to keep it low,  he held me more tighter, I held onto his shirt and bury my face in his chest, I cried out until I could, he was gently patting my back and just caressing me. I felt a tear on my cheek, I peeked at his face and he was crying too.

"Why are you crying?"

"Its hard to see you like this, I can't help but curse myself as you suffer this much because I brought you in my world."

"Don't be silly, It was my wish too." I wrapped my arms around him, we both stayed like that until I got the strength to speak.

"What are we gonna do now?"

" Don't worry love, I will try my best to get your friends safe and sound back to you."

" I have something to tell you..."


My hesitant steps walked towards the empty hall, it was dark but the gape halls were filling up for the absence of lights around. My footsteps were the only sound that could be heard so far.  

"Is anyone there?"


I tried to go further but nothing except darkness were there, the loud sound of a metal and the iron shutter at the entrance closed down, utter darkness filled in, and in a matter of seconds everything became blinding, someone turned the fucking lights on and it took me a couple of minutes to adjust, the gate on the other side opened and a bunch of guys came, among them two were forced to walk, they were wriggling under the hold but soon pushed to the ground with guns loaded at their skull, their whole face were covered with black masks.

"I did as you told, release them now."

"Wait a minute sweetheart, I told you that I will ensure that they are safe and sound if you come, who told you I am giving them back to you."

"Bloody bastard, its enough now, leave them alone, you didn't have balls for fighting directly with Vegas, that's why you are playing cheap tricks."

"Still that much arrogance and attitude?  People should change with time." His steps approaching towards me, although I didn't remember his face much, but the burn marks were visible proving he was damn injured at that time.

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