Chapter 14

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Note: Sexual content ahead.

"I had planned something." Vegas announced.

"No Vegas, not yet." I urged him with a glare and he was avoiding it.

"Babe, you know I will be doing it even if I have to hide it from you, so better you agree now."

"Then I will be a part of it too." I said, crossing my arms on my chest.

" NO WAY."


"Shut up you two, it would be better if I and Kinn will handle it, you two should go on a hideout, and prepare for your wedding."

I blushed so hard even at the name of the wedding, and looked away, Porsche nudged me by his elbow and we all laughed together.

"Listen first, what we had to do, babe you also, all you have to do is to listen, I am not allowing you in it."

"But Vegas, Pete is a major part of it, he is the one being watched and everything depends on what he does, and if we suddenly hide him away, won't it cause any suspicion." Kinn said.

"But he will be in danger...."

"We are there. Come on Vegas..."

"Only if you promise me and if anything happens to him then...."

"I understand you Vegas, I feel this everytime I send Porsche on mission, but its the faith you keep in each other, the power of your love and faith is the one that guards your counterpart." Kinn said.

" Okay, but.."

"So ignoring Vegas, I want to officially add Pete in our squad, only for this one time, okay?"

"Okay, so stop this whatever ceremony and listen, the guy who stabbed me is the one mastermind behind with a helper in public, if we are able to catch the helper we can easily cut off the support and then catching him will be easier, and one more thing, they have a strong communication, the only way is to break that."

"But how?"

" I will be taking care of it, and the rest of it is you and Kinn being behind the stage catching him, as he is more of criminal for you as for me."

 And they talked a lot and almost half of it went above my head, was it that hard to be a mafia? I thought all you have to do is beat the shit out of people. 

After the meeting was over and we had our dinner together, they went home and I was changing Vegas's dressing, the surgical wound is almost healed but still the dressing was there to prevent any infection from water.

"Wait, I don't get it?" 

"Its enough for you babe, if you learn more than needed, it will be trouble for me in future, if I get a mafia wife."

He held my hands and pulled me closer, I was so involved in tying the bandages that I almost fell over him but he held me strongly, our eyes met, his were shining, as if had so many things to say and do but the silence made it all more special.

" You don't get other things also, the way you are not paying attention to me and my body, don't you think its too harsh for me."

"You still need to recover Vegas."

" You don't know what I will be doing to you once I am free of all these and your warnings." I blushed scarlet red, the way he spoke gave me butterflies all over.

"I won't stop you then but not now."

"Keep your word, okay, I will be doing anything I want."

I tried to move, to prevent anything serious from happening, but he pulled me harder and I fell on the bed and  he straddled over me, holding my wrists on both sides, his face inches apart from me. I was surprised and can't even move to prevent him from getting hurt.

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