Chapter 3

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While Vegas went on a business trip, I decided to sneak out, the hotel was the first place I want to go and check.  I felt bad about lying to him but if I had told him he would never have allowed me to go in the first place. 

The hotel was under construction, it was in ruins, the whole majestic interior had now turned to black and powdery ruins. I went to the security area but they straight away denied, I showed them the card which Vegas's people use as a sign to their organization which I had secretly taken from Noi. The guard was startled and sneakily let me in, I took the whole recording and went to the nearby café, I checked it again and again, but the more I saw the more flabbergasted I was.

It clearly showed that the bomb was planted in a bouquet which was kept on Uncle Korn's table, and the one to do it, was none other than Arm. I was blank for a while, what the actual fuck! and that's why Vegas was hiding this from me. I was bewildered, why did Arm do that? And after that they quickly left the venue just after we left. The bomb was having a big impact as it was meant to be the end of the whole family but luckily we all left except Uncle Korn.

With heavy steps I was walking down the stairs but my feet didn't have any strength and I collapsed there. When I came back into my senses, I was in a hospital, there was no one with me, I was about to get up but someone hindered me from doing that but I didn't recognize who he was.

 When I came back into my senses, I was in a hospital, there was no one with me, I was about to get up but someone hindered me from doing that but I didn't recognize who he was

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"You ought to finish the IV solution first, the doctor said you can leave after that and as for me, I am the person who found you collapsed on the street so I took you here. But who knows I will find an idol there, it would have been a mess if other people would have found you."

"Thanks for the favor, I should deal with the hospital stuff first..."

"Don't worry about that, I am a fan so just give me an autograph, I will be happier than ever, its better than going to your concert, they are way expensive."

"Sorry for that..."

"You are more cuter than I thought, why are you apologizing??"

"I don't know but I have to go early, there is a lot I have to deal with."

"I can drop you wherever you want."

"No thanks, I can manage."

"But you don't look strong enough to drive." "If you are suspicious about me, I can arrange a driver for you."

"Its not like that, my home is very faraway and its already dark, you might have problem in returning." Its half the truth, more was that Vegas might get to know that a guy dropped me home and I will be doomed for good.

" So, I don't want to trouble you..."

" Its okay, I won't force you, its your will that matters, anything forced is not good between anyone, your boyfriend might get upset if he watches you with me."

"How do you know I have a boyfriend?"

"You had a ring on your ring finger so I tried to guess and I think I am correct." He is  a witty and clever guy, is he reading me, am I that much predictable?

" Well yes, he is my fiancé now, but don't tell this to anyone, its not officially announced."

"I am happy for you,  I might sound nosy but by any means is he Bible?"

"No, he isn't, why is everyone talking about him?"

"  Cause you look so good with me, like picture perfect couple, but I shouldn't be nosy like that , sorry if I offended you."

After discharging from the hospital he arranged a driver to drop me, and I gave him an autograph and a selfie which he asked for hesitatingly, there are very less humble guys left on the earth nowadays.

" Thanks a lot again for today, if not for you I would have been so in trouble, but I still feel bad about not paying you back."

"If you are that much sorry then.....this is my card, visit me sometime, I work there and treat me with a coffee sometime, then you can be at ease."

"Sure, I will."

I waved him a goodbye, and observed the card, it was of the same chain of hotels, he is the managing director,  means he can be of help about finding more about Arm and the accident that happened, it means I need to contact him and be friendlier to ask for help, he might even lead me to the answers. My head was numb from all that IV and soon reached home back, Vegas went to today only so I just sneaked out as he comes back unannounced so I just went today only for more safety.  

I switched on the lights but as soon as I did, I screamed suddenly, 

" What the hell! Why are you sitting in the dark like a ghost?"

"Where were you all day?" His steps towards me, his silhouette was so intimidating, Vegas is work stressed these days and the pressure and agony in him had made him more dangerous, and how unlucky I was to get caught the day I sneaked out. I took my steps backwards until my back touched the wall and he blocked the way to escape, I was looking down as his eyes were piercing cold, his face inches apart, his breath fanning on my face.

"vveegass....Why are you back? I mean you were gone for work trip."

"Huh, you shouldn't be saying that babe, I told you not to go out of this house without my permission, if my flight hasn't been cancelled I never had known what you do behind my back."

"I was getting suffocated here, so I went out for some fresh air."

"How much were you suffocated that it took you 8 hours to return home, its 10 pm and you were out the whole day."

I went at 12 pm, means he came back at 2, thank goodness he doesn't know that, but nothing to thank when I am about to be ripped off.

"You know how much trouble is going on and yet you tried to push yourself in it again? You needed to be punished to make it carve in your brain."

"No, I won't, wait, Vegas, stop..." he carried me on his shoulder like I am a cotton bag and his steps moving towards the bedroom, I was already weak today, and this is gonna really wreck me up.

Note: Psycho and angry Vegas is a whole different thang for me, the next chapter is gonna be a bit spicy😅😅. A new character is here too, what do you think he is here for?

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