Chapter 9

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In morning I woke up with smell of something good been cooking, I never used to cook at my house, then the previous events of Vegas being at my house were restored as I kept forgetting. He is being very diligent as far as I have thought, he cooks meal two times, for breakfast and dinner and also cleans the house for me, and Coco, especially him, he didn't even give me attention now, he is just stick to Vegas. The first week was as calm as frozen ice, we haven't been together or had a conversation, I had to go to work and he comes home late so our timing never matches.

I don't know why, as I should be happy that we aren't coming in each other's way but its irritating me, why my damn mind want to talk and curse him badly. The way he is chill, yes that's what is agitating. 

It was Arm's birthday today, every year, ever since we met in school as kids, we used to celebrate it together but he isn't here, I was feeling so lonely as how my world is so short and limited, so I decided to go to the bar today, I don't usually drink but I can't pass today's night being all in my senses. I chugged down glass after glass and don't know when I was so drunk that I can't even stand properly, the bartender helped otherwise I would have fallen with my face being banged on the floor.

"Sir, you are too drunk, call someone to pick you up."

"I have no one, no one."

" Sir?"

He took my phone and called someone, who the hell will pick it up if I said no one is there. I don't know how long I sat there and then just tried to go as the bartender's attention diverted from me, but I stumbled with someone and the only thing I remember was passing out.

Vegas's POV

I was on my way to home, getting Pete agree to let me stay there was the biggest blessing I had. I know it will take time, and I want to take things slow, I had done many things wrong but more than that I was misunderstood by everyone, yes everyone, but I couldn't explain many things to him for now as it would have put him in dangerous condition, so I have been waiting for the right time to do so, that's the main reason I am being so behaved as if I try to do something he might repel and get more faraway from me which he already is.

My phone rang and it was Pete's number, a sudden excitement plunged inside me, he was calling me! I was getting happier by each passing second but was confused what to say so I just picked it up as soon as possible.

"Hey, Pete...."

" Excuse me, I am talking from ECLIPSE HOTELS' BAR, Mr. Pete is here and he is too drunk to even walk, and he is saying that he has no one to pick him up, your number was saved at the top list so, if possible you can come or send someone to pick him up."

"I am coming in 5 minutes, I am in that area only, don't  let him go anywhere and don't allow anyone to come near him because he is drunk and defenseless."

I rushed to the bar, I wasn't mad or angry as he still has my number that too in the top list is a reason enough to be satisfied, but he was so easy to let his guard down as if the bartender has called anyone else then that would have been a problem. 

When I reached there he was swaying on his chair and as the waiter went away he stood up to leave only to stumble but I held him, why is he so vulnerable that the urge to protect him and care for him is my primary reflex. 

"Pete...Pete...Lets' go home."

He looked at me, his cheeks red and lips tainted in a pinkish tone, and he smiled at me, he was looking so innocent and cute that for a matter of time I just lost in him, in his eyes, in his pretty face and most beautiful smile.

 I craved for just looking at him as he shut me down completely, life had been a living hell for me without him, I never saw anyone else in my life and never will, I know he still thinks that I cheated on him but when he will know the real truth, I know he will believe me.

I took him to the car and he was too drunk to be in his senses, he was languidly walking and even looking straight was a hard task for him. His gibberish talks were making him so cuter that I just want to keep him drunk like this forever. When we reached the place where car was parked, I opened the door for him but he was just standing and staring intensely at it rather than hopping in.

"Get in the car Pete."

" This....this...isn't a car...."

"Then what is it?"

" a taxiii...."

"Get in...its too late now."

"NOOOOO.....I am not listenning to anyone....I LISTEN TO MYSELFFF...ONLY"

"Okay then, listen babe, Pete is asking you to sit and go home, should we go now?"


I carried him and placed him in the front seat with double seat belts. He was fidgeting with the gear all the way and literally making me go crazy but I can't help but swooned for him. He ran away as soon as we reached the building, and I had to catch and carry him to the lift and then to the apartment, he turned a 5 year old from just a little but of alcohol.

I carried him to his bed and he was still squirming on it. I had another problem, a much bigger one, I had to  help him in taking shower, but neither do I trust him that he will be possibly having it nor do I trust myself as I might get too swayed if I watch him shirtless. Things were hard for me as it is.

"Pete, now you had to take a shower and then sleep."

"No, I am not sleeping now...neither do you..."

"No you are, you smell too much of liquor and gonna have a bad hangover if you sleep like that."

"Then you take shower with me.."

"I...I can't.." I literally choked on the water I was drinking, as carrying him up stairs from the base to 8th floor was hard and to catch him whenever he runs away.

" I can't take off my shirt...what will I do in my life..." He was about to cry, I never thought he will turn so dramatic if drunk.

"You said it to me, okay, don't get mad tomorrow." I unbuttoned him, his white torso glowing in the faint light, I gulped on my own saliva, I even took off his pants and he was left in his boxers, he was about to take it off but I held his hands as I might loose control if he did.


"YOU..YOU AREN'T COMING?" He came closer, his half opened eyes and uneven steps led him to fall on me and he hugged me lightly, he put all his weight on me and I had to hold him to not to fall.

" You are testing my limits Pete, I would have joined if you said this when you are in your senses, you are too drunk now."

He whined and didn't let go of me, I closed my eyes, my breath was hitching, praying to god to give me the patience of saint. I took him in the bathroom and left him there, I took deep breaths to keep myself calm but he came and pushed me on the bed and hovered over me. He tried to kiss me and even succeeded, his lips tasted like wine, it was like I was tasting alcohol, he was grinding and literally I was on my verge, my leashes were becoming weak to hold me back, even his sight was enough to wake up the demons inside me, but here he was being  turned on as hell and pushing me to commit a sin again. He wriggled down and planted tiny kisses on my bulge, I pulled him up and held both of his hands.

"Pete, no, don't..."

"WHY? don't want me want that bastard...."

"I want you, only you, but when you are in your right mind, not drunk okay, I won't even give you a second to think then..."

"NO....Either you are gonna fuck me right now or leave from my life forever,....I won't even see your face again....I will....I willl...find someone else..."

"You are gonna regret this tomorrow and blame me..."

" I won't..."

"Do you promise..."

"I DO..."

It was the last thing holding me back and now it was him who invited me, the anguish of staying away from him and the time we were apart were all taking toll on as if I was myself being drunk, drunk because of him.

To be continued...

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