Chapter 22

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The next morning Vegas brought me breakfast in bed, he made pancakes, and I am in love with anything sweet. 

" Should I take a day off, I have less work anyways." But if you do how will I sneak out in the evening?  Although I do want him to not to go, but the situation calls for it.

" Work is priority, you should go, I can easily walk now, even hop on, see?" I stood on the bed and hoped up making him chuckle.

" Last night you were barely able to walk, and look at you now."

"It healed faster because you took care of me." I blushed again, it was cheesy but the best to prevent any suspicion.

" I will come back early, and then after you are done maybe we can go out still, its okay as long as I am with you."

" I don't think I can make that, I had to go there approx. before 7 and it will be 11 till I return."

"Then I can take you there and I will wait until they are done." He said eating his third piece.

" Porsche is joining me today, he said he wanted to see the company so I asked him to come with me, if I had known you will come I would have gone with you instead."

"You can still dump him, I am your fiancé anyways and he will understand."

"Its okay, I am going with him, I will take you next time."


"Yes honey."

"Do you have some other plans which you don't want to tell me because I won't approve of them? Like meeting someone I dislike or going to club or party?"

"NOO....It is absolutely not that, listen you don't trust me?  How hurting is that Vegas! I am not gonna talk to you, just go and suspect me."

"Don't get offended. Its just that the way you are saying things is making me feel doubtful."

"Okay, I am sorry, I won't doubt you, go with Porsche."

"I would have gone with him anyways."

"Don't be mad now, it makes you look like a cinnamon roll which I wanna bite so bad."

"Ahhh...I remember...the ones from last night are still there...bastard."

" I am getting late now."


"You should say come back early or I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

 He kissed both of my cheeks and went to office. The whole day I was trying various techniques to remove those marks and as the evening came  Porsche arrived, we were set to go out, but at that very time Vegas also arrived.

"Hi Vegas." Porsche smiled and greeted him.

" You are spending too  much time with my future wife, if it would have been anyone else I would have erased their existence by now as he prefers taking you and cancel my plans."

"Priorities darling." Porsche kept his arm over my shoulder and dragged me back to the car to burn Vegas more.

"I will be taking him and dropping him back, so don't worry about him."

"Listen you troublemaker pair, if you again did something funny this time no one will save you, understand?"

Porsche showed him his smug face along with a  middle finger and hoped in the car, he lowered the window and popped his face out.

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